I want to sleep on every piece of fuzz and stuffing that comes out of you

825 27 33

Sipping on a caprisun rn

anyways here's the story

One day, Enid is not only late for her weekly stream but also clearly hiding something from her small but loyal group of viewers. Half an hour later, Thing accidentally reveals what had been hidden

Enid made sure that nothing other than her face was visible on the small screen attached to the camera she used to stream for the third time in a row, then she finally started her weekly stream, much more nervous about it than she had been since the very first time she had done this.

She didn't usually get more than a handful or two of viewers and most of them were her real-life friends but it still mattered to her. So, having to hide something from them, even if it wasn't really a secret or anything like that, made her extremely nervous.

"Sorry that I'm a bit late, again, it's just been a pretty busy day so far. The usual, you know... Anyway, I thought we could have a chill stream today, maybe chat a bit or something. If any of you have any suggestions or anything you want to talk about, feel free to ask, as long as it's something quiet because my girlfriend is asleep right now and I really don't want to wake her."

She kept going like that for a bit while waiting for the first messages to pop up in her chat. The first few messages were all asking why her camera angle was so strange but she ignored those, not ready to explain that yet. After a few more minutes, she finally got a real conversation about the new album from one of her favourite bands that had just been announced going.

She kept talking without anything worth mentioning happening for almost half an hour, still making sure to ignore any and all comments about the camera angle and anything connected to it, even if the people making the comments couldn't see the connection. Some of them got disturbingly close and one made her face heat up but other than that, it was fine.

Then, just as she was about to go on another lengthy rant about two teachers she was pretty sure were secretly the same person trying to scam the school by pretending to be two different people when exactly what she had been afraid of all stream finally happened. And it was because of Thing of all people, a betrayal – even if it was an accidental one – she would never have expected.

Enid wasn't sure what he was trying to do when he crawled across her desk but before he could reach whatever he was trying to get to, he bumped into the camera and made it tip forward just enough to reveal what Enid had been hiding from her viewers for the last thirty or so minutes.

Right there, clear for everyone to see, was a slightly smaller body dressed entirely in black and comfortably resting against and on top of Enid. The person was clearly asleep, head leaning into Enid's chest and arms loosely curled around her waist. And all of it was plainly visible to the stream's 53 increasingly invested viewers.

Enid's first instinct was to lean forward and fix the camera or maybe even turn it off completely but from her current position, it was just out of reach. She would just move but that might wake the girl sleeping in her lap and nothing could be worth disturbing her rest, not when it had been over a week since the last time she had actually slept.

She still considered it at first but then her girlfriend moved in her sleep, not much but enough that Enid instinctually tightened her hold on her and stopped moving so she wouldn't disturb her much-needed rest. Instead, she just held her closer and tried not to blush too much at everything going on. That would only make things even worse once the stream ended and she had to face her friends again.

But she wouldn't think about that, not while Wednesday was still clinging to her in her sleep and mumbling nonsensical sounds into her bright orange sweater. If it hadn't been caught on camera, Enid was sure no one would ever have believed how cute Wednesday could actually be when she thought no one was watching.

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