Together we will see how lovely heaven will be.

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Wednesday is struggling to write at night. Something automatically clicks when she looks over to a sleeping Enid, her roomate of 3+ years. Maybe she was failing to miss what she's always wanted. Enid.

Wednesday grumbled as she flipped through her papers. Another failed writing day. The thoughts just haven't been coming out. Nor had they been great in her books.

Bothered she drew back from her desk. Senior year was enough to handle, but writing was hard enough. Trying to find another breaking point for her characters, another mystery to solve? No.. already did that. A love intrest? Disgusting.

Yet. A thought lingered. Her best friend, her roomate, Her Enid. She looked over towards the bed to see her sleeping. How her side raised and fell. Wednesday always wondered why the wolf put up with her.

She was so cold, so distant in their Freshmen year. She was still closed off, she never really liked parties, going out, but with Enid was there she was willing to go through all of that for her.

She slowly raised from her chair, looking at Enid more intently. Her heart beating fast. Something just clicked. It clicked hard and fast and she just wanted Enid. She mumbled and slowly came over to the wolf's side.

"Enid?" She said gently.

The wolf didn't stir.


A snort came from the wolf below, as she adjusted, blinking hard, one eye now closed tightly, the other fighting the light of Wednesday's desk.

"Y-yes? Wednesday?" She looked at her with confusion.

"Y-you alright?" She asked sitting up and  rubbing her eyes.

Wednesday didn't think the wold would wake up, she didn't know what to say, but she took a moment. Stuttering her response. "I... I don't wanna sleep in my bed tonight."

Enid looked at her with care. "Did... you have a nightmare? Or- is it..." She trailed off.

Wednesday shook her head. "No.. just emotions I'm feeling right now, I don't- I don't know how to explain it, but.." She looked towards their colorful window. "I don't wanna sleep alone right now.."

Enid nodded, she slowly rose from her bed, as she pulled back the blankets. "You know you don't have to ask right? I've offered many times for you to sleep with me." She chuckled, moving past Wednesday towards the bathroom, she flicked on the light and moved to drink water from the sink.

Wednesday stared at the bed where Enid was sleeping. "Yeah.. I know." She said out. "Tonight, it's just different."

She yawned, the bed with its disgusting colors looked rather comfortable. Espeically tonight. Enid came back out as she patted Wednesday's back. "Lie down, I'll turn off the lights."

A jolt and a nod, Wednesday did so, as she laid on the other side, her head falling back against the pillow, she stared up at the ceiling as Enid turned out the light, coming back into bed. She shuffled around for a bit before finding a perfect position, resting back against it. She hummed gently as Wednesday laid still, hands folded against her stomach.

Wednesday could hear the faint clock that she had on her desk, how it ticked. She counted every tick, except when she looked over Blue eyes met her dark ones.

Staring at eachother, words didn't have to be exchanged. Infact, Enid raised her arm up and Wednesday without a doubt moved to press against the wolf, front and all, as she pressed her head against the crook of the wolf's neck.

A warm rumble came from Enid's chest as she lowered her arm carefully around Wednesday, she rested her head ontop of Wednesday's head, as her other arm came around to hold Wednesday closer.

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