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Wednesday never lost a chess match, but she might not be so lucky with the type of game Enid was playing. Jealousy could do crazy things to people... attempted murder and arson might only be the beginning.

Enid didn't remember how it started or when it began. But in the last several days, it had become like a secret game between them. A game neither were aware they were playing.

It reminded her of their regular chess matches—there were consequences, good and bad, for every decision you made on the board. Much like what happened in real life.

Wednesday never lost a match. So this new game didn't bode well for Enid.

Even if Enid couldn't tell exactly what was going on between her and Wednesday, she definitely knew one thing.

She was incredibly jealous.

Of who, you might ask?

Well, Xavier Fuckin' Thorpe.

Yeah... that idiot. The resident tortured artist who looked like he was on crack every second of the day.

The long-haired boy would not stop bugging Wednesday, and Enid hated it. Especially since, for some reason, Wednesday did not seem to mind the pale boy's company this time around. Especially in the last few days.

It made Enid's blood boil.

She tried to put all that anger aside and focus on salvaging her and Ajax's relationship. But it didn't quite work out the way she planned when Ajax came out to her the day prior... she could still use him as a decoy, though, right? Enid so badly wanted to gauge a reaction out of the other girl, she would do anything.

Little did she know, Wednesday was going through her own inner turmoil every time she saw that no-good gorgon by Enid's side. She would clench her fists, causing crescent-shaped moons to indent her palms. Wednesday enjoyed almost all forms of torture, but this was the one type she despised.

Why was he constantly hovering over her?

Every time he gave his input to any of their conversations at lunch, Wednesday had to bite her tongue from saying something so incredibly... well, Wednesday. She refrained for Enid's sake, though she didn't know when she started to care for the werewolf's feelings so deeply.

Enid would eye Wednesday when she and Ajax would say or do anything. It was like she was waiting to see some sort of reaction from the apathetic goth girl. But it wasn't like she would get one. Wednesday would not let her have the satisfaction.

Wednesday Friday Addams never got jealous. That would be pathetic.

Yet, why did she have the sudden urge to seek out Xavier's company?

Did she have a crush on him? Definitely not. Was it because she considered him a friend? Not really. Did she need his help with something? Perhaps.

He was helping her with something he was unaware of. He was just a pawn in her metaphorical chess game. The poor boy thought she genuinely wanted to spend some quality time with him. As if. Wednesday would never spend quality time with someone (minus Enid) unless she had an ulterior motive. Xavier should've known that from the start.

Enid could practically see the animated hearts floating above his head any time he even took a glance at the seer during class. Her jaw clenched as she stared daggers at the back of the tall boy's head.

Her claws unsheathed unknowingly and became embedded into her desk. The blonde etched lines into the wood as she pretended to listen to the new teacher's lecture. She only realized what she was doing once she heard Yoko wince and noticed the vampire covering her own ears.

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