The babysitter

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Wednesday makes a special connection with a little girl that she babysits

It's not that Wednesday in any way appreciated the idea of working part time. It's just that electric chairs are not cheap, and even an Addams likes making their own money sometimes. Especially one as independent as Wednesday.

What's more, she has realized babysitting enables her to spread her life philosophies to the younger generations, making the world a little more tolerable, one child at a time.

This afternoon she has been called to a hideously mundane family home, and a blonde woman with a lot of make up answers the door, and looks at Wednesday like she is something unpleasant their pet dragged in.
"Listen, little, whatever you are, we don't wanna buy anything", she says.
"Good, because I'm not selling anything. I am, however, here to watch your daughter for the evening."
"Harry! Tell the little rat to come downstairs, the sitter's here!" she yells over her shoulder.

The woman lets her into the house, and she stands around in the hallway, waiting.

The child comes running down the stairs: a girl, around six years old, with long, brown hair. She stands at the bottom of the stairs, looking at Wednesday with curiosity but confusion.

Wednesday walks over to her.
"Hello. I will be your babysitter for the evening", she says.
The parents start grabbing their coats.
"Don't be afraid to punish her. She probably did something wrong, and if she says she didn't she is probably lying", the father says, and then the parents are out the door, without as much as a word to their child.

They stand there, Wednesday and the girl, looking at each other.
"I'm Matilda", the girl says.
Wednesday nods.
"I'm Wednesday."
Matilda giggles.
"Your name is not Wednesday!"
"It is. Wednesday Friday Addams."

Matilda bursts out laughing. Wednesday has no idea what she said that's so funny.

"So... What do you do during the day?" Wednesday asks.
"Well, I'm at school", Matilda starts.
"I'm sorry", Wednesday says.
Matilda rapidly shakes her head.
"No, I love school!"

Wednesday stares at her.
"My god, they brainwashed you good."
Matilda giggles again.
"I'm not brainwashed. I do really like school!"
Wednesday is still not convinced.
"Really? Do they teach you the history and methods of torture?"
Matilda shakes her head.
"Hmm. Close combat? Fencing?"
"Then what does your school have that is so great?"
"Maths and reading! And miss Honey!" Matilda says.
Wednesday nods.
"I can relate to that. A person made my school time bearable as well", she says.

Matilda lights up.
"Do you wanna see my room?" she asks.
"Okay", Wednesday says.
It doesn't really interest her, but she has learned that children tend to bond with people by showing them what they like, so she lets Matilda take her by the hand and lead her up the stairs.

All the way up to the attic, to Wednesday's surprise.

Sure, she only has her own childhood room to compare to, but not even her family had their children staying in something that could be better described as a nook than a room, a small space with a bed cramped into it. A strikingly small spot, when you consider the size of the rest of the house.

Matilda seems perfectly content, however, sitting down on the bed and pulling out a stack of books from underneath it.

Four hours later, Matilda has read them through many of the books, Wednesday listening closely and with fascinating and only taking a break to cook dinner, pleasantly suprised at how Matilda did not shy away from trying the Addams family recipe.

They can hear the door unlocking from all the way to Matilda's small attic room, and Wednesday does not miss how the little girl flinches at the noise, going quiet in the middle of reading a word and looking up at the door to her room.
"What is it?" Wednesday asks.
Matilda shakes her head.
"Stop lying", Wednesday says.

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