Turning of Pages

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A school assembly proves to to be too loud and crowded for Wednesday's liking, and she and Enid sneak off to the library instead and just generally enjoy each other's company.

Three days into the new semester and Enid had already found herself knee-deep in a new problem. The first thing Wednesday had done upon meeting her in their room was shove a phone in her face, a disturbing text on the screen. Enid had tentatively taken it from her and scrolled. Make that multiple disturbing texts. Hooray.

At least nothing had actually happened? And it was keeping Wednesday occupied. Enid really didn't want to know what the other girl would get up to if she didn't have something for her busy mind to focus on.

Right now though, that didn't matter. They were going to something that could hopefully take Enid's mind off of the creepy texts. She felt like skipping as she walked at Wednesday's side, only refraining from doing so because she was certain the other girl would turn around and go back to their room.

"You missed the beginning of the semester celebration last year, but it's always so much fun!" She gave Wednesday a bright smile, getting a fierce glare in response. Awww, she was responding to people's expressions instead of ignoring them now. Enid was so proud. "I guess it'll be... kind of different, with a new principal. But the routine's supposed to be the same. He'll make the speech about how we're 'the future of outcasts' and then everyone will cheer and then we'll eat. That's the best part."

"That sounds absolutely thrilling," Wednesday muttered, her arms crossed to her chest as she walked. The other students in the hallway stared at them as they passed by, Enid brushing some of her hair in front of her face. The scars from her fight with the Hyde still had yet to go away. She didn't know if they ever would.

After another minute of walking they reached their destination, Enid's hand going to Wednesday's sleeve as they approached the crowd of teenagers trying to find seats. She held onto it so she didn't lose track of her friend, Wednesday walking to the far end of the available seats and sitting down. Well, at least they were in the front, even if it was at an awkward angle.

Nobody else sat beside them. Or in front of them. Or behind them. And the assembly was about to start. Enid looked down at her feet, squeezing her hands together. Wednesday stared straight ahead from beside her, lost in her own mind. People had been giving them even more distance since they had returned to Nevermore. It made sense. Kind of. Enid had scars on her face now, and everyone knew that she had fought a Hyde. And Wednesday was more terrifying than ever. Even among Outcasts, there were people (or werewolves or gorgons) who were "normal." Which was most of them. And then there was Wednesday. And Enid by association. Enid looked up as she suddenly felt someone sit next to her. Bianca. Her eyes widened.

Bianca didn't say anything, just remained sitting there, Yoko sitting behind the three of them. Other students started filling in the empty space after that. A bright smile grew on Enid's face. Wednesday didn't react to any of them until Eugene appeared, the girl whispering something in his ear. He let out a quiet laugh in response.

Enid sat up straight and did her best not to fidget excitedly as the new principal started talking. Most of the other kids made fun of the motivational speeches they were often given, but Enid loved them. Even if the only time she heard an adult speak positively of her future was in the context of a crowd, it was better than nothing. She remained alert until he stopped talking, and the students were talking among themselves instead, the sound of hundreds of voices deafening.

"Sooooo, Wednesday -" She froze. Her friend wasn't beside her. "Wednesday?" She made eye contact with Eugene, who shrugged in response. Wait. There. Enid saw a flash of black leaving the area and going back inside. Slowly she stood up and weaved her way through the other students, hoping that she didn't catch a teacher's eye. She slipped through the door with as much subtlety as she could muster. Not much, but enough to get her out unnoticed.

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