hiding behind the truth

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When running away from unknown pursuers together, Wednesday and Enid are desperate to find a hiding place so Enid brings up an unconventional idea.

Running around a small town in the middle of a storm was never really a good idea but sometimes, it was vital for Wednesday's investigations, regardless of how many strange looks she got and how many people threatened her for it. None of that had ever bothered her before and neither had the people clearly hunting her in the dark.

But, until now, she had always been either alone or with people whose well-being didn't matter to her. This time, she was with Enid so this time, the consequences of her actions mattered. She could take care of herself – she had always been tough – but Enid was kind and soft and didn't deserve to be arrested or tortured or whatever else those people chasing them were intending to do to them, so Wednesday kept running, dragging her roommate with her and winding through narrow streets in a desperate attempt to escape their pursuers.

She took every corner she could find, nearly slipping or stumbling each time, until she finally pulled Enid into a small side alley that held a few dumpsters and not much else. There weren't even any street lights and none of the surrounding buildings had windows facing it. It was also a dead end, though she didn't notice that until she had already pulled Enid into a barely noticeable doorway halfway through the alley.

By her estimation, they had a minute at most until the men chasing them caught up to them and they had nowhere left to run. Anyone else would have let panic overtake them in this moment – including Enid, who was gasping for air and clinging to Wednesday's hand desperately – but she was Wednesday Addams and she refused to submit to such base emotions.

But even she had to admit defeat on occasion, regardless of how it stung and regardless of how much she wanted to reassure Enid. She had always valued honesty, especially in situations like this. There simply wasn't enough time to calm her roommate down first, she just needed to hope that the blunt truth wouldn't sent Enid into a deeper panic.

"I'm sorry, Enid. I don't see any way out of this."

Enid leaned in even closer, though that was probably just to understand Wednesday over the noise of the rain pelting down at them. At least she didn't look like she was about to pass out from fear anymore, though Wednesday wasn't sure she liked the slightly mischievous expression that took its place any more.

"Do you trust me?"

Wednesday's first instinct was to say yes without hesitation, but something told her not to agree without getting any further details, even if there wasn't any time. Of course she trusted Enid, but everyone knew that she tended to have strange and impulsive ideas on occasion. Besides, Wednesday had absolutely no idea how her trusting Enid was in any way connected to their current predicament.


If she had more time to compose herself, Wednesday would have probably come up with something much more eloquent but she could already hear heavy footsteps in the rain and Enid was too close for her to focus on anything else. It interfered with her ability to think properly and made her mind spin. She didn't know if she loved or hated the feeling but there wasn't enough time to figure that out, not when they were about to be discovered and she was supposed to focus on finding a way out and not on the way the rainwater made Enid's hair cling to her cheeks.

She really should have insisted on going out on her own but Enid had made her eyes go wide and begged and Wednesday had broken like a wave against the shore instantly. Enid always did this to her, she turned her brain to mush just by getting close and broke down all of her carefully constructed walls with a single smile. No one had ever had this effect on her before and she didn't know how to cope with it now.

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