It's the Uniform, Isn't it?

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The one where Wednesday sees Enid in her baseball uniform and has her first gay panic. Luckily for Enid, this leads to something unexpected.

The late March sky was bright and sunny, and although Enid was sitting in the shaded part of the dugout, her skin was heating up more and more with each passing minute. Wednesday seemed content in the warmth. Her body temperature was always cool, whereas Enid's was always warm, like a walking furnace, and the wolf absolutely hated it.

Wednesday was utterly clueless about what was happening out on the 'diamond' as Enid referred to it. Enid had begged her to come to the Nevermore Ravens' first baseball game of the season.

The blonde had stated that they chose the Ravens as their team name rather than the Outcasts—she assumed the Nevermore Outcasts would've been a little too on the nose.

Enid seemed to be obsessed with the idea of playing outfield (whatever that meant) because of a Judge. Wednesday wasn't aware of any big court cases going on in Jericho today.

According to the people in the uppermost part of the stands, the game had not yet started, but Wednesday felt like she'd been there forever. Luckily for her, she brought a book. She had purchased some true crime novels to inspire ideas for her own novel.

For the first time in her seventeen years of life, she seemed to be going through a writer's block. Enid had suggested a love interest for Viper, which Wednesday had quickly dismissed. But now that she had mulled it over, Enid's proposal could be something to consider if she was desperate enough.

When she opened the book, a loud chuckle came from the lower part of the bleachers.

"No way! Addams?! What are you doing here?" Yoko asked in amusement. Her fangs poked against her bottom lip as she smiled widely. Her foot was placed atop the bleacher, her elbow propped up on her knee.

"She informed me that metal bats would be involved," Wednesday replied stoically, closing her book with a sigh and setting it on her lap. It would be impossible to read with the bothersome vampire present.

"Enid? Oh man, you came for your girlfriend. How cute!" Yoko couldn't help but laugh again as she settled onto the bleachers beneath Wednesday.

"She's not my girlfriend. I was merely interested in noting the level of aggression that comes with this sport," the seer said. Don't they tackle each other or something?

"I think you're thinking of American Football, dude. Baseball isn't nearly as violent unless you get hit with a one-hundred miles per hour fastball." Yoko's eyes sparkled with delight as she imagined the scene in her head.

"If I am not a witness to that, my coming here would be fruitless."

"Are you sure you didn't come here to see the girls in their sexy uniforms—or one blonde wolf in particular?" Yoko's lips curved into a smirk as her eyes searched for her own girlfriend in the dugout.

"In what way does one's uniform influence their attractiveness?" Wednesday questioned, her voice full of genuine interest. She waited for Yoko's answer, her fingers tracing the embossed pattern of the leather book cover.

"Oh, sweetie. You'll see!" Yoko replied, a smile still plastered on her face and her hands rubbing together in anticipation.

Wednesday glared at the vampire, her lips set in a firm line of disapproval before she spoke again. "I suggest you refrain from using that sickening pet name again, unless you wish to relive the garlic bread incident?"

"Easy there, Addams. I have heard Enid call you a million different pet names, and she doesn't get threatened."

Before she could reply with a retort, she noticed Enid step out onto the field. Wednesday felt her voice catch in her throat and her words die on her lips.

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