a room to be yourself in

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Wednesday and Enid get called to the principal's office. There, Weems questions if they should be allowed to still room together now that they have started dating.

Can Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair please come to the principal's office? I repeat, Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair please report to the principal's office."

The murmuring and giggling started before the announcement was even over and the stares followed not long after. That was to be expected from a group of teenagers, of course, but that didn't make it any less uncomfortable for Enid. The stares grew more intense and the whispering louder when Wednesday, who was sitting right next to her, took her hand, but as soon as she did, no one else mattered any longer.

They got up and gathered their things as quickly as they could without separating their hands and made it out of the room before the teacher could regain control over the situation and talk to them. He just sighed and let them go, it really wasn't worth the effort to call them back while also fighting the rest of the class to calm down.

It was nicer in the hallway, quiet and empty with no one staring at or whispering about them. Wednesday took the chance and used this new privacy by pulling Enid close and kissing her gently but not without passion. It was over almost as soon as it started and left both girls blushing slightly regardless of how many times they had done this already.

They made their way through the school quickly and in silence, hands still joined together and shoulders occasionally brushing against each other as they walked. They didn't stop or even slow down until they reached the door, where they both hesitated for a moment and even shared another quick kiss before Wednesday pulled back, straightened out her posture, and confidently knocked on the door three times.

It opened with an almost threatening creak that made Enid tighten her grip around Wednesday's fingers, cutting off her circulation. Wednesday nearly smiled at the comforting sensation of numbness and squeezed back before confidently stepping through the door and into the ridiculously oversized office. Enid followed close behind her, clinging to her hand as if letting go meant death and shaking slightly. She almost tripped over the doorstep and Wednesday had to catch her so she wouldn't fall.

Principal Weems sat behind her desk, tall and imposing even when she wasn't standing up and looking directly at the girls, her face serious but, as far as Wednesday could tell, not angry. That was good, at least, she really didn't feel like wasting any more time in detention than she already had when she was so close to finishing her newest novel.

"Good morning. May I ask what you are accusing us of today that is important enough to interrupt our education? I assure you, whatever it is, we are both entirely innocent."

If she hadn't been so nervous, Enid would have probably laughed at that. There was just something about the way Wednesday spoke, so confident it sometimes came across as arrogant and always carrying something so uniquely Wednesday, that always drew Enid in regardless of the situation they were in. Without even noticing that she was moving at all, Enid inched closer to Wednesday, not stopping until they were once more close enough together that their shoulders touched.

"I am not here to accuse either of you of anything, I simply wanted to have a little chat with you both."

Enid actually flinched at that. She had been so absorbed in Wednesday that she had completely forgotten where they were until Principal Weems' voice interrupted what had been dangerously close to a kiss. It was embarrassing – mortifying, really – but at least Wednesday was there with her, holding her hand beneath the desk and leaning into her slightly while still looking directly at the principal as if daring her to say anything about it. Weems more or less ignored them and just went on talking as she had without commenting on what they were doing.

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