Wenclair Christmas pt5

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The finale part to this story, will Christmas be salvaged or will it go down in flames?

Christmas morning, Wednesday stays at her writing desk. She doesn't even acknowledge Enid as she gets ready, dressing up in green and red. Enid tries to talk to her, but she ignores her entirely, clacking away at her novel.

"Wednesday, you know how sorry I am," Enid says, trying again. When she's met with nothing, she stifles a sigh. Wednesday hears the rustle of paper and in the corner of her eye sees Enid lay a parcel down on her desk, "I'll see you later then. Merry Christmas."

Then, she leaves. The sound of the door closing behind her startles Wednesday. She swallows, shaking off the emotion pulling at her heart. She manages a full 23 minutes of half-hearted writing before she caves.

She half-expects Enid's gift to be another trick as she reaches for it. With delicate fingers, she tears the paper. Her eyes widen when she sees the gift. It's a bundle of things: nail polish, ointment, some dark chocolate, a luxurious fountain pen and, best of all, a hand-made shawl in Wednesday's signature colors. She pulls it to her chest, hugging it. Her heart dips when she realizes it still faintly smells of Enid. Enid probably spent ages making this for her.

Wednesday sees at the bottom of the parcel a note. Merry Christmas to the best roomie ever! I hope this Christmas and all the rest are filled with joy and I hope I'm in them too. Lots of love, Enid. And there's a few hearts for good measure.

Wednesday lays her forehead on her desk, feelings welling uncomfortably. What has she done? All Enid wanted was for them to have a nice Christmas. Wednesday owes her that at least. Yet, she ruined it by getting defensive. She'd been rash. Of course she can trust Enid, she shouldn't have ever thought any less of the ray of sunshine that streams through her life. Wednesday has almost made her resolve when the door bashes open with a crash.

Ajax is in the doorway, his eyes red and his face redder. He's fuming, "I knew there was something up with you, Addams!"

Following close behind him are the others behind him, looking frantic (Eugene and Xavier) or amused (Bianca and Yoko). Ajax tries to charge forward, his face broken but Xavier latches his arms around his chest. Ajax doesn't stop fighting, "I knew it!"

"What's going on?" Wednesday asks, only mildly interested. She's wronged too many people to remember her quell with every single one. Though, she does try to remember. It's nice basking in the comfort of torture she's performed.

"Don't act dumb!" Ajax spits.

"Enid broke up with him...because of you," Xavier huffs, barely able to hold Ajax. Wednesday stops dead, her breath faltering.

"What? Why?" She fears she can't shut the confused look from her face. They broke up. The news brings a rush of delight. Because of you. That does not. Is Enid mad at her now? She has every right to be and yet it fills Wednesday with dread.

"Because she's in love with you, obviously," Xavier snaps, getting tired of clutching Ajax.

"God knows why." Bianca rolls her eyes and Yoko nods.

"Where's Enid?" Wednesday shoots up from her desk. She can't even begin to string thoughts together, too many words floating through her brain. She tries to imagine that this is simply another mystery to solve: the mystery of her and Enid but that does little to help.

"You think you have the right to go console her, huh? When she's been behind my back with you this entire time? I should have known not to trust you, Addams-" Ajax is still panting and struggling against Xavier.

"We're hardly even friends." Wednesday says but she's well aware she's lying, "She didn't cheat on you and she didn't do anything with me." That part is true...well, is it? Now that she's imagining it, the prospect of dating Enid is...wow. No! She has to think. She wouldn't lead on Enid while she was dating Ajax. Or would she?

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