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Wednesday isn't exactly thrilled when she starts her period for the month while at Nevermore.

Enid keeps her company after a rough day.

Wednesday Addams didn't believe in humiliation. There were mistakes you made, of course, and you could spend your entire life trying to owe up to them. But humiliation? That was based on others' opinions, not your own self-reflection.

Needless to say, she had never felt the signature embarrassing rush of blood to her cheeks or wished that she could melt into a puddle as other people snickered from around her. She didn't mind other people's cruelty, knowing she could rise above and prove them wrong.

But Nevermore had been testing that. When she had lost to Bianca Barclay? She had felt something she never had before. When Enid smiled at her, without any reason at all? She spent hours trying to figure out how to correctly communicate with her roommate. And when kids laughed? Now there was an undeniable sinking feeling in her stomach.

And they were all laughing at that moment. She took a deep breath as she looked her teacher in her eyes, his face old and hardened. There were a million different places in the world she would rather be. Even in a barn with Eugene as he spouted out bee facts at an ungodly speed.

Bees are female-dominated, she thought, as her teacher towered over her, "they give their all to defend their hive. Some die after just one sting, but use it anyway." She repeated facts in her head to calm her mind and keep it logical. Emotion was weakness.

"As I've said, Ms. Addams, you can wait until the test is over to use the restroom. You should have gone before class," her teacher said. Nobody paid attention to the test, everyone staring at her. He'd turned her into a spectacle. An example. Wednesday wouldn't stand for that.

Bees have two pairs of wings and five eyes.

"You cannot deny me access to a facility I need to use for my own health," Wednesday said, shifting uncomfortably. The blood on her thighs dripped further down her legs. She gritted her teeth, clenching her legs together.

Bees communicate primarily through pheromones.

"I am in the middle of a test, Ms. Addams," he said. The other students laughed, and Wednesday felt the tiniest pinprick of shame. She hadn't known how truly different she was until she was around others who were also different.

Bees on average fly at about 20 miles per hour.

"And I'm in the middle of menstruating." More laughing. Maybe directed at her. Maybe directed at the teacher. The teacher's wrinkled face visibly went red,

"That's inappropriate for the classroom."

"It doesn't have to be discussed if you let me go."

"Go. You'll get a zero on the test. And you'll be the first suspect for cheating, I'm onto you, Ms. Addams." Wednesday ignored him, gathering her things. She wasn't going back to the classroom. There was no reason for her to if she was failing the test no matter what. It was her last class anyway. She tried to wave the incident from her mind.

Her parents would never stand for it if she told them. They had a way of getting people fired if they truly wanted to. The typical Addams-family-way.

She went into the first bathroom she found and sat down inside a stall, cleaning herself up. The first time she'd had her period, it had fascinated her. All of the subsequent times, it had been a nuisance. Though her mother had assured her that it would change throughout her life and constantly surprise her, that information had become more of a fear than a comfort.

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