You Make My Yuletide Gay

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Just a fun lil i idea i had lol

Before they go on holiday break, Wednesday shares her feelings with her roommate.

Well, she tries to.

It was the holiday season and Enid was puttering around Nevermore. Objectively, she should be packing her things in preparation for returning to her family for the holidays, but she was evidently finding any possible excuse to not actually begin her packing.

All the while, Wednesday sat at her writing desk with Thing, dressed in a black sweater with a gray cat printed on it that Enid had given her.

It was nice. Enid's gifts for her were getting closer to Wednesday's own style. They were frighteningly wearable.

Wednesday drew a breath.

Enid was going home soon. Wednesday was too.

They wouldn't be seeing each other for a few weeks.

This may be Wednesday's last chance to lay her feelings out on the table.

Thing looked at her expectantly.

She stopped typing and sighed.

"Enid," Wednesday said, without turning to actually look at her roommate.

"Yes?" Enid replied, instantly dropping the clothing she was theoretically folding and giving Wednesday her full attention.

"I just wanted to say... Thank you for introducing me to new aspects of the Holiday season that was... previously unfamiliar with."

"Of course!" Enid replied, nodding excitedly. "I knew you'd get into it eventually."

"Yes... I must say, lamentably, spending time with you has given me plenty of reasons to feel gay about the holidays."

At this, Enid... laughed. Quite rambunctiously, in fact.

"I don't think that means what you think it means anymore," she replied, still laughing outrageously. "But you're very welcome!"

"I know exactly what it means," Wednesday replied. "My spirit is gayer thanks to you."

Enid just laughed even harder.

"I'm being serious, Enid," Wednesday declared. "Since we've met, new parts of me keep on coming out."

"I'm glad you're happy," Enid said in-between laughs. "You've never really shown it, so that's amazing to hear."

"Enid. I'm not saying I am happy. I am saying that I am gay."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it - you like your fancy old-timey words more then modern lingo. I understand you!" Enid replied. "Thanks for the laugh, Wednesday. I'm honestly kind of stressed about meeting with my family again... So I appreciate the distraction."

"You're... welcome?" Wednesday replied, unsure what else to say.

"I gotta talk to Yoko... I'll be back later though!" Enid replied. "Don't leave without saying goodbye to me, okay?"

"Okay," Wednesday replied.

And, with no further ado, Enid had left the room.

Wednesday turned to Thing and sighed.

"Next time, we're using the word 'lesbian.'"

Question of the day: What's ur favorite song?
(i will actually go and listen to them so please drop some songs in really curious of y'all's taste in music)

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