A Prank Gone Horribly... Right?

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Yoko enlists Kent to help her with a prank on the new lovesick couple. The prank doesn't go according to plan, considering the pair turn into a black cat and golden retriever instead

"How about a 10, or maybe a 20 to seal the deal?" Yoko said to Kent with a smirk. She then turned her head to look back at the couple a few tables down, making sure they were still there.

The siren boy quickly snatched the twenty from her right hand and shoved it into his jean pocket with much enthusiasm. Maybe too much.

"Jesus Christ, don't make it look like a drug deal!" Yoko rolled her eyes and jabbed him lightly on the arm—well, what she assumed was lightly.

"Ow," he yelped, rubbing his arm from the harsh contact. Their teacher glared at them with a warning look before going back to reading his newspaper.

They were currently in potions class. Everyone was partnered up and doing their respective lab projects in whispers.

Yoko watched as Enid had her head on Wednesday's shoulder while they silently worked on their own project. She would steal quick kisses every few minutes. Wednesday pretended to be annoyed by them, but secretly loved it.

The vampire was a little irritated by the fact Enid had to partner up with her new girlfriend, but she couldn't blame the blonde. If Divina was in this class, she would much rather partner up with her than her dimwitted twin brother.

A little prank on the new lovesick couple would be harmless, right?

Yoko knew better than to do the prank herself, so she enlisted Kent with a bit of bribing. He was quick to agree to the plan with little thought, which would be his first mistake.

She already had to face the wrath of Wednesday Addams from a little prank she pulled a few months back, and she would rather not go through that again. That girl might be small, but she was sure as shit scary.

Kent was the perfect person for the job. He did not know what he was getting himself into, but he should have, considering it was Wednesday Addams and her girlfriend that he was going to be pranking.

It really was just supposed to be an innocent prank. The plan was that Kent would essentially pretend to fall and spill the vial on them. It was this gross green Nickelodeon-like slime, except more liquidy.

The potion Kent stole from the backroom was basically a 'silence' potion. Whoever touched it was automatically rendered silent for a few hours.

Yoko was fond of the idea of her best friend keeping her mouth shut for a short while. All she talked about was Wednesday. Wends this, Wends that! It was getting annoying.

Don't get her wrong, she was ecstatic for Enid and wanted her to be happy, but sometimes she wished she would talk about something else—just for a bit, at least!

"Bravo six, going dark," Kent whispered, imitating a British accent. He held his fingers up to his ear, pretending he had an earpiece.

"Bravo what now?"

"Bravo six? You know, like from Call of Duty!" His eyes lit up at the prospect of talking about the video game franchise with anyone other than Ajax for once. But Yoko couldn't care less.

"You're such a fucking idiot," she mumbled. "Just go already!"

She shoved him lightly towards the couple's table. He held the bottle steady and made sure he didn't spill a single drop until he reached them.

Once he got to the two girls, he knocked into the leg of their table with his right sneaker. He pretended to trip and then quickly flung the slime at them from the side. Yoko sighed. He didn't make it look like much of an accident. Idiot.

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