On the Edge

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Two goths, sitting on a rooftop, five feet apart because they're gay just not for each other

Yoko was taking a midnight stroll on the rooftops of Nevermore Academy, which really had less to do with her being a creature of the night and more with being a moody teenager with a fucked sleep schedule, a crippling addiction to caffeinated blood and a big fat crush she was unsuccessfully avoiding thinking about.

"Fuck," she mumbled under her breath, and if her heart had had a heartbeat, it would have stopped right there and then because one of the gargolyes lining the rooftop had just turned to look at her. "Addams!" She yelled as she recognized the figure hugging its knees an inch away from a very painful fall, as Yoko well knew from past experiences that had definitely not been her own fault, "What in the name of Sheridan Le Fanu are you doing there?"

The creature, because really, what other word was there for Wednesday Addams, tilted her head slightly.

"I was enjoying the silence," she said with her usual blank demeanor, "Now, not so much."

"Do you have to do it so close to the edge, though?" Yoko insisted. Addams stared back at her for a moment.

"Yes," she finally said.

"Well, fuck, you scared me half to death," Yoko said, "Life. Whatever. You know what I mean."

"Your cowardice is noted, yes," Addams rudely agreed.

Yoko had a thought. A terrible thought. She decided she should ignore that thought. She furthermore decided she should simply keep walking. Be on her way. Addams would not resent her. She would, in fact, be grateful for it.

Yoko sighed as she gingerly approached Addams and sat cross-legged beside her.

"Your company is unwelcome." Addams said.

"I assumed as much." Yoko said. "Are we going to talk about why we're both idiots up here in the middle of the night, or are we just going to ignore each other?"

A few seconds passed with no answer. Addams had once again turned to look towards the forest, like one more gargoyle.

"We're not going to ignore each other!" Yoko snapped.

"I thought it was the obvious option." Addams said. Yoko was elated to hear a hint of emotion in the words, and terrified to realize that the emotion was annoyance. Wednesday would probably not hesitate to push her off the roof just for being mildly bothersome.

"We're going to talk about why we're both idiots up here in the middle of the night." Yoko insisted.

"You're an over-caffeinated nocturnal creature and I like the quiet. Mystery solved." Addams replied, the words said ever so slightly faster than her natural dead rhythm.

Yoko had another terrible thought. She quickly decided she shouldn't. Except. She had to talk to someone and Enid, Yoko loved Enid but bless her, the girl could get drunk on gossip like no one else. It was stronger than her. Addams, on the other hand, did not give a shit. Would not give a shit. Was physically incapable of giving any amounts of shit. Which made her the perfect target for Yoko to just dump all those stupid thoughts that were keeping her awake.

"Are you going to leave me a-" Addams began.

"Have you ever thought of drowning?" Yoko asked, quickly and bluntly, because she did not know where else to start, and because she knew Addams was one morbid lunatic.

Addams turned to look at her and slightly arched an eyebrow.

"Go on," she said, clearly intrigued.

"Every time I fall asleep, I dream of the sea. Sometimes, I dream of floating, of getting lulled and caressed by the waves while the sun warms me from above, like in the old days. Sometimes, I dream of a vast, endless chasm, of monsters beyond comprehension lurking in the shadows, watching. Waiting. Sometimes I dream of storms, of drowning, of gasping for air and being pulled by something into nothingness. And sometimes, most terrible of all, I dream of walks on the beach, guided by a familiar song I can never remember when I awake."

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