Finding Rainbwoes

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Wednesday Addams and her closeted friend Enid Sinclair catch up over some coffee..

Cw: internalized homophobia

Side note:  This is a comedy fic about comphet; please don't take it too seriously. Do not act like Wednesday does in this fic IRL

Enid was ecstatic.

For the first time in a few weeks, she would be meeting up with Wednesday Addams.

While she didn't get off on the best first foot with the gothic woman, she had grown a fondness for her with time... and lately she had found herself thinking about the girl a lot.

How she was doing... How she was feeling... What she was wearing...

Ajax didn't always understand why Enid talked about Wednesday so much, but Enid thought it was only natural! They were besties, in their own way.

Enid's feelings towards Wednesday were normal friend stuff and, therefore, not worth thinking too hard about.

So, this rainy afternoon, Enid stepped off of the bus and walked into a coffee shop.

The shop was... not her normal vibe, to say the least. It was quiet - almost eerily so - and the menu was somehow both limited in scope and overpriced. None of the offerings really sedated her usual sweet tooth, but it was fine. Her canines would probably appreciate the break from the sugar anyway.

With a drink in hand, she sat herself down and waited for Wednesday to arrive.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And, as she waited, her mind began to wonder.

She began thinking about Wednesday.

Of course, as she was meeting Wednesday, it was perfectly normal for her to daydream about her... For her to daydream about going out around town with Wednesday... Exploring new places together... Going out late and night and lending Wednesday one of her big pink sweaters to keep her warm. Wednesday would initially refuse, of course, but she'd eventually buckle to the pressure. But then Enid would be cold and so Wednesday would offer to share the hoodie, so they'd be cuddled up against the cold and -

The cafe door swung open and Wednesday Addams walked in, dressed in her usual signature style. She wore no raincoat and yet, despite the weather, she looked completely dry.

Enid shook herself out of her thoughts - what had she been thinking about, anyway? - and focused on Wednesday's arrival.

"Wednesday!" Enid called out, smiling eagerly. "I'm so glad you made it."

Wednesday, as stoic as always, merely gave her a curt nod.

"Apologies for the delay," she said, walking up to the table where Enid was sitting. "My loving parents insisted on me being... very prepared for the occasion."

Enid gave a slight chuckle. "It's alright! Trust me, I understand parent drama... I'm just glad you could hang out at all! We haven't really seen each other outside of school... Well, outside of school and also outside of mystery solving..."

Wednesday waved a hand dismissively.

"It is only natural I would want to spend time with you, Enid," she began. "After all, you are my closeted friend."

Initially, Enid's heart swooned. Wednesday was not only saying they were friends but that Enid was Wednesday's closest friend!!! She was basically saying that Enid is one of the most important people in her life!

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