It's okay to be different (so am I)

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Wolfing out for the first time in such a traumatic manner has unexpected consequences for Enid. Wednesday couldn't mind less

The job finally finished with Laurel's skull crushed under her boot, Wednesday turns and staggers towards the gates of the school.

The students are all standing outside the gates, a mass of frightened faces greeting her as she emerges from the fog, a slight limp in her walk and only one person on her mind.

One person, who is coming running towards her.

Enid is wrapped in a pink robe, dirt and blood smeared across her face and twigs stuck in her hair. As distressing as Wednesday finds her girlfriend's injuries, something else catches her eye as Enid comes running. She isn't sure what, the head injury from the shovel making itself reminded with how slow her mind is at picking up information, and as Enid goes for a hug Wednesday pushes back, desperate to first properly assess her condition.

There's the blood and the twigs, she already saw that. That's not the most curious thing. The most curious thing, is the wolf ears on top of her head, the thick fur blonde with strands of pink and blue.

Clearly noticing her staring, Enid shrinks back.
"I... I wolfed out", she says, her voice unsteady.
Wednesday nods.
"I know. You saved my life", she says, simply.
Enid whimpers. Actually whimpers, a pained, tortured noise, and Wednesday pulls her into a tight hug.

The nurse said Enid's current condition is most likely a result of the way her repressed wolf side finally came out in such a traumatic manner. It's harmless, but will come with additional symptoms, such as heightened senses and instincts. Much more wolf-ish, essentially, and the nurse didn't know when or even if she will ever return to her original form.

Wednesday, however, is much more concerned about the wolf's injuries than the amount of fur on her physical form. She'd rather have Enid alive and well in any form, and the way her girlfriend now tends to growl and bare her teeth is not exactly unappealing.

The rest of the classes for this year have been canceled, but the students have all been given the rest of the week to get their things in order and leave, since many of the parents have a long journey to come pick them up. Wednesday and Enid are both staying until the weekend, both girls needing time to adjust and recover and having chosen to do so in each other's company.

Wednesday is in the middle of her writing time when whimpers and wails from the opposite of the room cuts in through the clicking of the typewriter. Pausing her writing, she listens for a moment before turning to look.

Enid is on her knees on her bed, pulling at her ears and tail, one of the ears torn off from the small plush bunny beside her. She is clearly distressed, maybe even pained, and not only because she apparently damaged one of her stuffies. It pains Wednesday to see, and she pushes her chair back and stands up, carefully walking over to her.

"Cara mia?" she tries, carefully.
Although still whimpering, Enid turns to look at her, clutching at her ears. She is about to say something when a door closes in another room, and she wails again, pulling at her ears to a point that must be painful. Wednesday winces, trying to grab her hands.
"It's so loud", the wolf whimpers.
Wednesday nods.
"The nurse did say your senses will be heightened now, correct?" she asks.
Enid whimpers something that sounds like a confirmation, nuzzling her face into Wednesday's shoulder.

Wednesday pats at her head. Awkwardly first, but with more confidence and tenderness after a moment. Enid leans into the touch, pushing her head into Wednesday's palm with more, but happier, whimpers.
"It is okay. I am here. It will pass", Wednesday says, lovingly caressing the fluffy ears.
Enid closes her eyes, leaning in against her.

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