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Wednesday Addams loves her personal space. Enid Sinclair ALSO loves Wednesday's personal space.

She just wished her girlfriend liked giving hugs. What's a girl to do, suffer in silence? Hardly.

If there was anything Enid knew about Wednesday, it was that she loved her personal space. She would go out of her way to avoid contact with another person, even going so far as to fully cross the street if it meant being away from people. The thing Enid knew about herself, however, was that she also loved Wednesday's personal space. And for some reason unknown to her, Wednesday allowed her to be as close as humanly possible nearly every day, with nary a single complaint. Even on the day they met, while Enid was showing the new girl around the Nevermore campus, she had naturally gravitated toward the stoic Addams, had swayed into her side on more than one occasion. She seemed to always be in her space, had noticed their arms brushing against each other wherever they walked, even if just for a moment. She hadn't even thought anything of it at the time, if she were being honest.

Wednesday may have denied her hugs at every turn, but it was almost undeniable that Enid was allowed in her space, where no one else was even be able to come close.

It made things easier when they eventually started dating.

Enid had finally accepted herself for what she was, despite her mother's attempts to change her, and she immediately let Ajax down as easily as she could; the gorgon was hardly surprised, was supportive even, when she told him it had to end and why. They were besties now, the unlikely duo getting into more mischief than the rest of the Nightshades cared for, but were helpless to stop. Especially Wednesday. But he had been there when she needed him most, her first coming out story turning into a rousing success. Ajax had been protective of her ever since, and in spite of his soft-spoken nature, had jumped to her defense anytime someone even dared whisper something homophobic in her direction. It was nice to have someone in her corner, she decided, especially at such a vulnerable time. She liked that about him.

Her other comings out ranged from simple conversations, to wildly embarrassing blunders, the latter thankfully only in front of her best friend, the sarcastically judgmental vampire. Yoko had laughed for a solid ten minutes at Enid's bright red face, stuttering around herself after she had been caught openly staring at Wednesday from across the quad, muttering out loud, It's so unfair how attractive she is, not even realizing that Yoko was standing right behind her. Despite accidentally musing out loud about her big stupid crush on Wednesday, Yoko had been so excited to finally hear the news of her coming out, she almost spared Enid the years worth of pent up roasting and had tackled her into a hug instead. Yoko knew well about her crush on Wednesday, had since her first year at Nevermore, and the pair sat down to work out a solution to see if the Destroyer of Demons was into girls.

Easier said than done.

Enid had tried everything, from openly flirting with Wednesday, to trying a more subtle attempt at wooing an Addams, each iteration failing in the most spectacular of ways. Wednesday was rightfully baffled by the change in behavior, had asked Enid several times over if she needed psychiatric help, before the wolf finally blurted out, NO, I JUST HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU AND I DONT EVEN KNOW IF YOU LIKE GIRLS. Wednesday had blinked only once, eyebrow quirking slightly as she breathed out a surprised breath.

"I am very into women, that is why I have been courting you the last several months."

Enid had almost screeched in her frustration, You what??

Wednesday had laid out her recent attempts, and Enid felt like an absolute buffoon for not having realized it herself, too caught up in her own trial and error that she had hardly even noticed. Wednesday was clearly amused, her eyes sparkling with something akin to exasperated affection, before she lifted to her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to the surprised wolf's lips.

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