Chapter 6: Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing

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My father is mad.

After he came to the waterfalls and had to personally stop us from fighting, not only did it kill the mood for all the teens who were present at the time - they all bowed their heads to him and scattered around, leaving us basically alone with him in the vast beautiful landscape.

He also had to call a doctor to treat our injuries, which by the time he arrived were already pretty severe. My brother pulled no punches, not that I expected him to.

You can't mess with his little freak without getting his panties in a bunch. If you ask me, she can defend herself very well. She doesn't need him to do it, not that she would ever act against me.

Anyway, now that the doctor is done with our treatments and has gone from our house, my father is berating us like a maniac.

"I got a desperate mind link from a goddamn teenager telling me my sons are about to kill each other at the waterfalls." - He shouted, ferociously.

"At first, I thought someone must be pranking me. I can't possibly believe either of my children would he stupid enough to be fighting in front of an audience for no good reason!" - He shouted, beyond mad.

Right. Because who in their right mind would ever prank the Alpha of the pack? The commander of the entire city. Mind link is not an anonymous call, the Alpha knows who is linking him. No one would prank an Alpha, especially not a ruthless son of a bitch like my father.

"I had to leave the house in a hurry, fearing something must have gone wrong. There must be some kind of mistake. My sons would never disrespect me or their mother by fighting like a bunch of rogues." - He continued in a loud voice.

"Not my sons, the future of the pack. If they're fighting someone, it better be because we're under attack and they started off at the waterfalls. That's the only reason I can think of for them to be scraping. But no, they're fighting each other like two idiots with people chanting them on like they were in a boxing ring!" - He ranted, pissed off.

My mother was present, looking disappointed in us. But she was silent because once my dad starts, no one can stop him. He's like a missile that way.

"Are you freaking kidding me?! You're supposed to set an example! You're supposed to be leaders! If anyone is fighting, it better be because someone's life was on the line and violence was the only resource!" - He screamed at us as we lowered our heads in embarrassment.

It has been a while since I've seen my dad this angry at us. But there's nothing he hates more than feeling embarrassed before his pack. And no doubt this fight is gonna be gossiped all around town.

Finally, my mom approached his side calmly and gently placed a hand over dad's shoulders. He took a breather.

"You're both grounded until the end of summer. No more waterfalls. No more car trips. No more girlfriend. You'd be lucky if we allow any visitation." - Mom declared, to which I revolted.

"No girlfriend? Mom, I need to see Cassie!" - I protested vehemently.

"What you need is to get a fucking grip, Quentin. You're 17 years old. It's past time you start taking life more seriously. Especially if you want to take over as Alpha. From what I've seen at the fight, nothing is guaranteed." - My father snapped at me, taking a dig at the fact that when he arrived in the waterfalls, Jude was on top of me punching.

I winced from the not so subtle jab. Though my brother claims he's not interested in being Alpha, it doesn't mean he's a bad fighter. We're taught at the same level by the same person for the sake of fairness.

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