Chapter 55: Do I Have To Cry For You

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It was stronger than me.

Imagine a beating, pulsating, vibrating sensation that you can't shake.

No matter how much love I make with Jude. No matter how hot he is or how happy he makes me feel. None of these things matter to the mate bond.

It pushes and pulls relentlessly, regardless of what you do or how you feel. It only craves completion.

It's like Vegas, the house always wins.

I can't seem to shake this wanting, this longing for my second mate. No matter what I do. Trust me, I did everything I could think of to take my mind off of him.

I really did.

Here I thought one mate was enough for me. Oh how wrong I was... *sigh*

After I kissed Quentin inside the classroom, I returned to my seat while most of my classmates stared at me. And so did Jude, of course.

"This doesn't mean anything. I still hate you." - I told Quentin, flustered.

"I didn't think it did, but my lips are always available to you." - He flirted with a mischievous grin.

An awkward vibe filled the air as people stared at Jude as if he were the cheated husband. He isn't. There's no cheating one mate with the other, as far I'm concerned.

"Please don't judge me, mate." - I told him, remorsefully.

"I can't and I won't. I don't like it, but we're past that phase now. He is your mate too, whether I want it or not." - He replied, empathizing with me.

"I know you don't want to hear this, Beck, but it's exceedingly difficult to resist the mate bond, especially when your mate is an Alpha. The Goddess didn't pair you to Quentin just so you could reject him, any more than he can reject you." - Owen chimed in with a worried frown.

"I understand, Owen. But he's still rejected." - I rebuked, not pleased by this. Quentin gulped uncomfortably.

"Of course." - He gave me a patronizing glance that I hate, but I know he means well.

"Don't forget to brush." - Jude said in a joking tone, though I know he really means it. Students laughed at that awkward suggestion.

Werewolves are deeply scent oriented. It's our main sense, what connects us to our mates, our kind, alerts us of danger or if someone is lusting for you.

Like my second mate is doing right now inside the busy classroom.

The problem is that I'm mated to his brother and he doesn't want to scent him when we're kissing.

That's fair. I wouldn't want to kiss Jude either if he were giving off another man's scent, especially if that person were my brother. *laughs nervously*

After a long week, it's finally Friday. The last day of the week and the start of a well deserved break from school.

As soon as we finish today's classes, of course.

After Jude picked me up at home, we are now walking into school holding hands as usual. But this time some students are staring at me as we walk, no doubt because of the kiss shared between me and Quentin.

This situation is completely unheard of. No one gets two mates, least of all at the same time.

So, for most people, this is as polyamorous as werewolves are ever gonna get. It's kind of funny, though.

I never wished for a threesome, had any kind of twin fetish or any indication that I'd ever desire another person in my bed other than my partner. Not at all.

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