Chapter 66: It Had To Be You

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I don't know what happened, really.

In one moment, I was all by my lonesome, patiently waiting for my mate to be revealed on my birthday. Then, I was asked out by one of my teammates. That was a shocker.

I never expected any of them to see me as a girl, romantically speaking. All I ever wanted was to be seen as an equal to them and for the longest time, I might have gotten my wish too well. None of them ever coveted me, or so I thought.

Being so heavily bullied because of my birth circumstances was something I could never have expected or predicted, it just happened.

When I first moved into this town, I didn't even know what unmated meant or its significance within the werewolf community. I already went through the trauma of my consecration to the Moon [first time shifting into a wolf] unaware of the fact that could happen to me.

Then, I had to tell my own mother - who I love the most - that I wanted to live with my dad because he convinced me her life was in danger if ever she saw me shifting, even by accident. And I couldn't even tell her the reason behind my decision, of course.

As if all that wasn't traumatic enough, people started giving me sideways glances and kept on whispering behind my back, claiming I was an "unmated" child.

What the hell does a 12 year old know about the fact that my mother wasn't mated to my father?

And why is this such a big deal? In my old school, there were plenty of divorced parents and single moms raising their kids.

How was I supposed to know there was a hidden society of people who find their partners at 18 and (they) never separate ever again? Mr. and Mrs. Becker is an anomaly, before you remind me. And we all saw how that played out on the Chief's health.

All this is a lot for any person, let alone a twelve year old. I didn't understand why Quentin and his friends were calling me a "freak", but that obviously hurt my feelings.

Honestly, my only saving grace was Jude's friendship. He saw in me someone being ostracized just for being born and related to me.

My dad was also a great parent. I can't complain, especially before his other children were born. His mate's children.

Yes, there were some anger issues I had to deal with. I was thrust into this world unwillingly and innocently. I didn't ask for any of this. Nor did I ask to be born a werewolf, for that matter.

When I found wrestling, it gave me an opportunity to earn the respect of the very same boys who were taunting me in middle school.

Of course, it didn't happen the way I envisioned. I was still being called a freak. But at least then, I could hold my ground and stand on my own against them.

Whenever someone came for me, I retaliated fiercely. I ended up becoming - in Quentin's own words - the number two wrestler on the team. A male wrestling team. Though in my eyes, I'll always be number one.

That is a remarkable feat considering the quality of the players. Dragomir's arms are a steel like force and even so I beat him.

Sure, not always. I wasn't born a great wrestler, but I trained the hardest of them all.

With all this time spent by their side, I forgot to look at any of them as boys - in the romantic sense of the word. All I saw was my teammates.

And that's what I thought they did as well.

But when Blaine asked me out, it was a revelation of sorts. I was so beyond shocked that I had to give him a chance to date me.

I had nothing to lose and it's not like I was an easy score. This wouldn't be a one and done. I have morals.

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