Chapter 79: Yellow

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I'm pregnant.

Though I can't say for sure just yet, I would bet all the money in the world on this.

It's like a game of 'clue'. All signs point towards this fact and honestly, if I were to NOT be pregnant, then it would be even more upsetting than if I am. Because if being knotted by both my mates didn't put a baby in me, nothing ever will.

I understand werewolf biology. I had a very comprehensive health class here on the reservation. It's simple, really. Either I am pregnant now or I can't conceive at all. And if that's true, then we're fucked.

The Atwood dynasty would cease to exist and my mates would be the last Alpha of their bloodline. And I sincerely doubt that would come to pass. No, bitch. This is not happening. The Goddess didn't pair me to both twins just so neither of them could ever father a child.

I refuse to believe that, I really do. It'd be such a cruel twist of fate and utterly unfair to both of the boys. It's not that I want to have a child now, I don't. Like at all. But I don't want to have the option taken away from me either. Goddess no! I do want a family eventually. I'm just too young to start it now.

Anyway, there is no point in debating this anymore. It's in the hands of the Goddess now. All I can do is to move on with my life. There's no other alternative.

I slept alone last night and the night before. Since I did so much activity during my heat, I wanted to rest my... Well, I needed to take a break from sex for a little while. It was good to have this time to recharge my batteries, so to speak.

Now it's New Year's Eve and I'm ready to go out with a bang.

Some of my family is getting together in my aunt's house tonight to welcome the New Year, so that's where we're going to celebrate it. My father is going to spend the day with his family since he has the day off, this way he is free to go with us later.

It's been quite a while since I saw my paternal grandparents, so dad asked me to come along. Of course, my mates accompanied me. Wherever I go, they go. We're kind of a package deal now, but my father expressed no objections.

We arrived at my grandparents' house. An old residency with lots of indigenous decorations and ornaments. They welcomed us with warm hugs and greeted my mates with curious looks.

They had a lot of questions regarding our mating and how it is for me to juggle two mates at the same time. I told them it is much better now than in the beginning. It has been a journey so far. My father told them that I might be pregnant, which shocked them.

My grandpa informed us that no Becker has ever fathered an omega. But when dad told them I wasn't one, then it threw their heads for a loop. If I'm not an omega, then how come I could be pregnant?

Yeah... I know, right? I don't know either.

My grandma was puzzled, so she made me a special tea, an ancient recipe to determine if I was in fact with child. I asked her how a tea was supposed to reveal if I am pregnant. I've never heard of such a thing.

She replied that if my urine comes back red, then it means positive. If my urine is yellow, then I'm not. Though I had a tough time believing the science behind this, I wouldn't offend her by not drinking the tea. I'm sure it's harmless. It's just tea, after all.

For once since I came back to the reservation, I saw my father happy and content about my return. He seemed so at ease in the company of his parents. The former Chief, his dad, asked him about how he was dealing with the fact that his mate was away.

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