Chapter 11: Dead Man Walking

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What a first week of school.

I had barely stepped foot in it and already someone was literally [grabbing] at my throat. What the hell was that?

I may have dodged a bullet, but if the gun keeps on taunting me... well, hope for the best. I really don't need to get on anybody's bad side here. I just wanna get along with everybody, but I'm probably wishful thinking.

Aside from that unpleasant event, I'm happy to report that my first week was otherwise uneventful here at Ruckerford Falls High.

Of course, there was the occasional death threat by the same guy who almost killed me on my first day. But who's counting?

Aside from that and the awkward stares I endured from being the new kid, everything is falling into place.

I got my bearings here at school, got through my first classes. It's not that different from where I come from. In fact, it's the same level of difficulty.

Ironically, the only difficulty here is for people to pronounce my name correctly.

It's a mouth full, I get it. But it means something as all indigenous names usually do. That's why I go by Beck, it's easier to pronounce. Every single teacher in every single class spent a good minute stuttering to get my name right and failed miserably.

The curious stares from the other students also don't particularly help matters, but I expected it as much. I knew coming here from the reservation that I'd face some growing pains. All the teachers happily address me as Beck, though the guidance counselor is tenacious. She insists on calling me by my name.

I don't mind either way, I'm just used to Beck by now.

Kingsley has been lovely to make friends with. He's such a sweetheart that if life was fair, he'd be the most popular kid at school. Instead, he gets judged by being an effeminate omega boy like any of that was a disqualification of his character. High school, am I right? I'm counting out the 100 days left in the school year for it to be over.

In other news, I have noticed 'the good twin' eye balling me since I said those nice things to that girl whose parents aren't mated, Layla. On Wednesday, I noticed his eyes on me throughout the day and I'm not mad at it.

I still don't know what his deal is since he's mostly quiet or talking to her, but I'm here for him should he ever need a friend. I know from what my cousin told me so far that he is a nice guy, so I'm always down for that.

It's Friday, the last school day of the week, and I'm counting my blessings for having survived these first few days. In more ways than one, I mean that literally.

I'm really impressed by Layla, by the way. I can only imagine the type of bullying she has suffered because of the stigma of being the daughter of unmated parents. If that wasn't enough, she's also the only female in the school wrestling team.

It takes some balls to be the only woman boss bitching her way into a male dominated sport. Especially those types of males. Jocks, who mostly just follow the evil twin's lead. But she is determined to succeed and from what I have seen from her so far, she definitely has the chops to do it.

It's kinda funny though because I overheard one girl ask her out, but she had to explain that she's not actually a lesbian. Though I can totally see the 'butch queen' vibes she gives off, misconceptions are a bitch.

If I was into girls, I'd love for her to be my mate. Not that I think my mate belongs to this pack. I'm sure he'll be back home waiting for me. Except for the fact that I have no idea of how I am supposed to discover anyone if my eyes don't glow (and I can't shift).

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