Bonus Chapter: The Best Of Both Worlds

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It's not a pretty sight.

I had to watch my mates go at each other's throats in wolf form, battling it out for a position that by right should be theirs by birth. Unfortunately, there can't be two Alphas leading the pack. And there is no other way of choosing except by having them both prove themselves before the very people they are meant to lead.

There is no escape from this and my mates know it. They are at peace with this since they were old enough to understand there is only one Alpha. No pack in the world would allow two people leading, least of all the most powerful pack in the country.

For that reason, four years ago, my twin mates battled it out in an improvised arena inside the town gymnasium, fighting in wolf forms like the law demanded of them. In fact, they were required to shift in front of the public, but they used robes to preserve their modesty.

This is not medieval times any more and nobody wants to see their Alphas naked. Or better yet, I don't want anybody to see my mates in a vulnerable state, so to speak.

Quentin fought viciously, as expected. His wolf came at Jude's eager to finish the combat before it barely had begun. If only life was that easy, am I right? Jude countered his attack with another one of his own and knocked his opponent off his game.

Wolf against wolf, they came at each other fiercely. Neither one was gonna concede the position to the other, but at the same time this wasn't a fight to the death so they had to fight smart.

Jude used his wolf's paws to attack Quentin, who defended himself using his hind legs. At some point, we thought the fight would never end. The crowd chanted at every move, every counter attack. It was a proper spectacle and they waited 18 years for this.

I was apprehensive, sweating at every strike, each time one of my mates was hit. Naturally, I didn't root for anyone, I couldn't interfere in the fight for any reason. I can't decide between my mates and it wouldn't be fair for me to do it.

All I could do is to wait it out for them to decide. Clarissa and Geoffrey, the Alpha couple, were just as apprehensive as me. Fearing every swing, every blow against one of their sons. Alpha Geoffrey was attentively watching the combat, waiting for the victor to emerge out of one of his sons.

Blood starts seeping from injuries, exhaustion starts sinking in at some point. How the hell will they call this fight if death isn't the goal? I guess I forgot to ask that when I was with my mates while they were being given the last advice from Mr. Booker, the pack head enforcer.

I was sitting next to the Alpha couple in a premium box, separated from the crowd, but all our friends and classmates were present to witness the rumble. Like the adults, everyone wanted to see which twin would rise. But only a few hundreds were able to get tickets to see this combat taking place.

Tense at every turn, each major blow, I was starting to worry I wouldn't have any mate left after this was over and the baby I was carrying wouldn't have any other father besides me. I was just about to release a guttural scream stopping this nonsense when one of the wolves dropped to the ground.

In a twist of fate, Quentin was knocked to the ground by Jude after he tried to bite him. Senses got disoriented and the victor finally emerged from the endless fight. It was then that Mr. Booker stepped into the arena and called the fight. He acted as the referee.

An astounding round of applause could be heard from the exciting crowd. A standing ovation to the new leader of the pack. Everybody seemed ecstatic to witness the rise of the new Alpha, even if the whole thing seemed barbaric to me.

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