Chapter 60: Mercy

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On Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, after Beck left my house in a hurry because I tried to Alpha command him to let go of my hand, my mother sat me down for a half an hour conversation. And by conversation, I really mean a monologue.

She spoke at length about mates and how one would like to be treated. Nothing new to me, of course. But she made a point to do a refresher course on good manners, especially considering one's mate.

She also pointed out that I had my mate eating out of the palm of my hands before this stunt. I wasted the best opportunity I had since my mating to woo him, to bring him over to my side.

I sobbed hearing her words. Not because of the scolding itself but the truth it carried. I knew she was right. I knew I had Beck right where I wanted him and I could've taken this chance to charm him.

Now I'm alone again, crying like a little boy.

I had to make amends. I had to try to salvage my relationship with him in some way, somehow. So, I went to the pack house and tried once again to apologize. But when I went there, seeing him close to my brother, it only exacerbated what I already felt deep inside.

Then he dispatched me away and I returned home crying once again.

As if all this wasn't bad enough, his father decided to attend Thanksgiving dinner at my home and called me out on my wrong doings. My mom ran interference because she's a great mother, but for the love of Goddess, give me a freaking break.

I regret what I did to Beck. I know I was wrong. I get it now. I don't need to be humiliated in order for me to learn, I already learned my lesson well. Please, I did my penance.

On Saturday, my brother took our mate to Austin in the car he won from me in a stupid bet I should never have placed. By the time he returned on Sunday, both he and our mate were all smiles telling us about their joyful trip.

Beck looked genuinely happy by my brother's side and for one moment, you could almost forget he's not mated to a second person. You hear him talking about the time they spent and places they visited. I wanted that too.

I want all the things my brother has had with our mate. I'm desperately in need to be happy by his side.

Forget about sex - which I do want, let's not be a hypocrite here. Forget about the double mating. Regardless of any of that, I want my mate. I need him by my side as well. It is what I was put on this Earth to do, who I was meant to be with.

There's nothing else occupying my mind aside from Kuckunniwi Becker.

I wish it wasn't this way, but I am a werewolf. I don't have a choice in the matter. I was born this way and to have a companion chosen for me by the Goddess. Just like my parents, their parents and so on.

Now I'm forced to hear that my best friend is all happy and took his mate to New York City for the break. That's a three plus hour flight after you drove another three hours to the nearest airport. Who does that?

I know, I know... he's mated now. That's what someone who is mated and has the means does. I get that, I really do. I'd do the same if I could or if my mate wanted to travel with me.

The hardest part is not even seeing him happy with my brother.

The hardest part is to not be involved in any of his happiness. Not even a scrap. Not the bottom of the barrel. Nothing. I have nothing.

It's great that people were worried about me since I had to undergo an emergency surgery. I love listening to my friends telling me how much they were concerned for me, it warms my heart. It really does.

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