Chapter 16: Wanted

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Did I hallucinate or Jude actually invited me to go to his house this weekend?

After having such a tough time over the week after being "outed" as a non shifter, I spent the whole time at school being either stared at or talked about. Or both.

It was horrible, honestly. Things only started to die down by Thursday when the novelty wore off. By then, it was no longer a hot topic of conversation and people moved on from me.

Though I still get the odd look from time to time, I think that's never going away. Not really.

In fact, my week only got better when Jude invited me to his house. That was by far the highlight of my time here, not that I think he did so with the purpose of a date.

I think he's just trying to be nice to me after the hell I was put through, which is very endearing. I understand he's probably trying to offer his friendship.

I welcome it with all my heart. I could use more friends in this pack and I'm not gonna lie, while I have a major crush on him, I'd still be happy to just be his friend.

Of course, I'd love to be more but I don't expect someone like him to be interested in lonely old me. But that's okay, I'm good with being his friend.

We queer people need to stick together, so I welcome his friendship. However...

I couldn't help but notice how my cousin got jealous once Jude invited me to his house.

We all heard inside the classroom when Quentin said Kingsley will probably get mated to Jude and how he's 'practically begging for it'.

Though Jude protested loudly at the assumption, my cousin wasn't exactly bothered by it. He doesn't talk about it, but I'm guessing he does have a major crush on Jude.

Cousin, I guess we can relate in more ways than one. You have good taste, he is very dreamy.

Anyway, it is what it is. I can't exactly afford to reject any offer of friendship right now. It gets lonely here with no one to talk to.

Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with my cousin and mom. But some diversity in life is good. It'd be nice to have alternatives on who I can spend time with.

It's the first of September and the school year is only getting started.

After the surprise invitation, I practically floated through my last classes of the day and back home.

By dinner time, my mom noticed my difference in mood and inquired about it. She said I have been miserable all week and now it looked like I had won the lottery or something.

I told her she was exaggerating a little, but said I was invited to go to a classmate's house tomorrow. I didn't mention it was the Alpha residence because I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

She was happy for me, but in true mother's fashion, she asked to meet this friend before I could go to his house. I guess it makes sense since we don't know anyone in this pack.

I should probably have told her it was the Alpha's son. At least, she already met him. I guess now I can only wait and see.

I went to bed feeling so happy and excited about my weekend, like I haven't been in a very long time. Even before I left the reservation.

It sounds silly to be this excited about a simple invitation, but after the hell I just survived, the truth is I didn't know if anyone would ever want to be my friend.

I felt radioactive for some reason. Not even my bully wanted to risk beating me up, supposedly to not get infected by me. That's how bad it got.

On Saturday, I woke up after a great night of sleep. I got downstairs for breakfast ready for the long weekend and to face my fears.

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