Chapter 14: Creep

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There's a knot at the pit of my stomach.

A dreading fear of my upcoming demise.

After that awful confrontation between me and Quentin inside the classroom on Friday, I thought to myself I was done for.

He literally threatened my life and I kept waiting for his vengeance to come. For the rest of my classes of the day, I remained watchful and was stared at by the students like a dead man walking.

I knew Quentin was coming for me and I understood I had little chance of survival against him. I probably got lucky when we fought off, but now my luck has run out.

I waited and waited till the final bell rang. OK, so he's taking his time to catch me outside of the school. I see what you're doing, Mr. Atwood.

Yet, he never came for me.

I'm thinking he wants to terrorize me with fear, make me sweat in dreadful panic. The sheer terrifying prospect of getting beaten up in addition to the actual beating.

Sure, because being beaten is not punishment enough. He has to taunt his victims like some sort of psychopath. Well, at least he's consistent. Consistently evil.

My weekend was horrible and I couldn't even tell my mother about it because I didn't want to worry her. With everything that happened back at the reservation, I didn't want to pile up.

She already has her own troubles as she's looking for a job and doesn't need to worry about some petty high school teenage rivalry.

Though by the looks of it, I'm thinking this is bigger than a simple rivalry. From what I understand, no one has ever done to him what I did. Even if it was purely accidental. It really was.

Kingsley tried to prepare me the best he could but this situation is a bit of a novelty. No one really has the balls to stand up to him except for Layla, but she is protected by Jude.

I tried really hard to not let that get in the way of me enjoying my weekend, but who am I kidding? Not even video games could distract me from this terror.

I spent some time with my cousin in his house where his lovely family was welcoming to me, as usual for the short time I've been here. They are all so nice.

But nobody can stop the clock and Monday came with its promise of violence. I got off the school bus already with my eyes wide open for any potential danger.

The student body seemingly had already forgotten about me and our little trifle, but soon enough I saw my enemy talking to his friends and girlfriend.

They noticed me there but continued talking like nothing happened. It was so strange. I continued on my way since that's all I could do.

It's not like I am the one who's picking this fight. Kingsley and I talked for a while inside the classroom as it filled up with students buzzing about their weekends.

Honestly, I wanted to ask Layla about her date with Blaine but we're not exactly friends yet. However, judging by her expression when he passed her by I'm guessing it went great.

Quentin and his friends walked by me towards the back of the classroom to take their usual seats like just another day. It's eerie, but I kept to myself. What else am I supposed to do?

Kingsley thought it odd too, but he already did since Friday. I guess Quentin is really taking his time to catch me when I least expect it. I can't exactly say it isn't a good strategy.

"So, I'm dying to know... how was the date?" - Quentin inquired of Blaine and Layla with a mischievous grin. And his brother is already glaring at him.

The boy looked uncomfortable at the question and blushed as she was not amused by his sudden interest in her. Though I'm guessing Blaine is his friend too. They all belong to the wrestling team.

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