Chapter 78: Hey Jude

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I'm overwhelmed with emotions right now.

It was already very weird that I had sex with my mate while my brother was doing the same simultaneously. I'm mortified by this. Embarrassed. Confused. But mostly I freaked out once Beck was medicated and we could make sense of what had happened to us.

The only thing that held me back from a full blown meltdown was the fact that neither of us had any interaction with the other in the duration of the love session. In other words, I was solely focused on Beck and so was Quentin.

It might sound confusing if we take into account there is only one mate for the both of us, but we were smart enough to divide and conquer. Each Alpha was enjoying one side of Beck. It wasn't an ordinary threesome because we're not ordinary people.

And that 's fine. It's in the past now. I had a very good time if you consider the fact that I was able to be there for my mate and he was the one giving me life. Truth is I was so drunk on his heat pheromones that we could have had an audience watching us and I still wouldn't care at all.

But that was then, this is now.

It's December 30th. Talla took her son to see a doctor because of his heat. We still don't know what kind of werewolf Beck really is and why he was struck by heat instead of rut. Usually, only omegas are struck by heat.

But if Beck was tested for it at birth and it came back negative, then what breed is he?

But that is not the most prominent question to be asked at this time, not really.

I don't care what kind of werewolf Beck truly is, I care that there's a very good chance that he is pregnant with my brother's baby. Yeah, I did not see that coming... *gasp*

Quentin is low key freaking out about it. His head has been spinning since yesterday when we found out about the whole 'knotting' thing and its ramifications. And it hasn't stopped spinning since. But he's not the only one overwhelmed by this unexpected twist of fate.

If Beck's pregnant with Quentin's baby, that means whatever the result of the upcoming battle for Alpha, his child will succeed us.

Remember Owen's theory about why both of us got mated to the same boy?

That it was the only way the Goddess thought to control our offspring?

Because the first child of an Alpha becomes another Alpha. It's the same standard used by the monarchy. Queen Elisabeth was the first daughter of the King. King Charles is the first son of the Queen. And one day Prince William will be the next King of England, for he is the first son of his father.

And no, I cannot wait around for Beck to have my child in case I win the fight. I mean, I cannot place a second born to succeed me as Alpha. This would essentially open a whole can of worms about the succession itself.

If I do that, then Quentin's child will challenge my child for Alpha because they will feel like their cousin / brother stole the position from under them. And they would be right, in all honesty. That's assuming Beck would decide to have another child.

The whole point of mating us both to the same person is to guarantee that the Alpha succession wouldn't turn into a Game of Thrones. Also, I highly doubt that the Wolf Council would let me choose a second born to succeed me.

We don't choose between children. We can't decide fate. First born, first served. It 's that simple. And again, the whole point of the double mating. Quentin knows it. And I certainly know it too. There's also the small detail that there's no way of knowing whose child Beck would have second.

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