Chapter 32: Live to Tell

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It's Summer.

My parents are away on their annual vacation together. When we were younger, they used to take us to some new place every year. But now that we're teenagers, they gave up on trying to convince us to accompany them.

I know Quentin would never travel away for a week, at least not alone with our parents, but I honestly didn't want to go and play third wheel to my own parents. I know they don't see it that way, but I'm old enough to know by now.

It's not like I have much better stuff to do here in Ruckerford Falls, but it is what it is.

As predicted, my brother stuffed our house with all of his friends and of course Cassie. With this much liberty, it's amazing that no one would turn up pregnant with an unmated pup.

But smart moms teach their daughters how to prevent such a scandal, not to say that it's only the girls' responsibility to practice safe sex. It takes two to tango, but I wouldn't trust any of these boys to know their way around prophylactics.

Except Dragomir. He does seem to know how to use a condom better than most boys. From what I've heard, he has plenty of experience on such matters.

I will invite my friend to come too at some point, but I wouldn't want to expose Layla to this particular crowd, the same students who discriminate against her for being the daughter of an unmated human.

To avoid having to mingle with this crowd, I lock myself up in my room. But even I have to eat eventually, so I got downstairs to grab some food - that is if they left me anything.

The jocks and cheerleaders greet me as I walk by, my brother is drinking next to Cassie in the yard, some of his friends are there too having fun.

I entered the kitchen to scavenge for food and found some leftover pizza, which I hungrily ate. While I acted as a guest in my own home, a familiar voice greets me.

"You're here!" - Jalensky spoke, sounding surprised.

"I live here. This is my house. Everyone else is just trespassing." - I rolled my eyes in annoyance, not that anyone cares about my opinion enough to be bothered by my remark.

Jalensky lets out a hearty laughter.

"Right. I forget that sometimes. I hardly see you here." - He spoke, still laughing.

"That's because I'm trying to avoid you people." - I jabbed. He laughed again.

"Good strategy. I'll get out of your way then since you didn't leave me any more pizza." - He said as I ate the last slice.

"I'm sure you can afford to order some more. I'm partial to 'meat lovers', if you're so inclined." - I teased him.

"But you just ate!?" - He gasped in shock that I wanted more.

"Hey, the night is young and my Netflix account is waiting for me." - I spoke, trying to mask how lame my idea of fun sounds to him.

"Don't let me stop you. I'll be sure to order an extra pizza just for you." - He winked at me, playfully.

I need to point out that this is not how our interactions usually go when we're at school. He didn't use a homophobic slur once and promised to order me pizza? Is he high or something?

I have no idea, but I walked back to my room quickly before some unsuspecting teen thought it's available for hooking up. Gross!

As I spent the night binge watching everything marked with the LGBT tag on Netflix, around 2 a.m. someone knocked at my door. At first, I wanted to tell them to go away but the room is soundproof because of our wolf hearing. Unfortunately, I have to get up from my bed to dismiss whoever it is in person.

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