Chapter 43: Ain't No Other Man

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I'm not worried.

I know every person is nervous about their first time and I get that, I do.

But I'm not particularly concerned about it. I know I'm in good hands, I know he has experience and I'm looking forward to this. I really am, what can I say? I'm not the least bit freaked out by his past with Jalensky.

I mean, just look at him. Does that devilish handsome blue eyed blond boy look like a virgin to you? If this was some of the larger cities with an abundant queer population, he would have been disputed fiercely.

Again, to Owen's point, it's not even remotely a deal breaker for me. Not in the slightest. At least one of us will know what he's doing when we get down to it. 😅

I had a chill Friday night watching movies with my mom in her room. She and I used to spend so many nights together growing up.

We always knew how to entertain ourselves and I love spending time with my mom. I understand it was a huge sacrifice for her to abandon my father and move us here.

This will never be lost on me. Not that she regrets it in any way, but being away from her mate costs her.

This dawns on me heavily, but there's no other way. I can't go back to the reservation. Not a chance in hell.

But if ever she decides to return alone, I won't judge her. I could never do that to my own mother.

I woke up on Saturday morning in a very good mood. Mom noticed that I was practically skipping through the pack house, but she chalked that up to the weekend and my boyfriend not getting mated away from me. *smiles nervously*

I was glad that she didn't ask. I'm a terrible liar, especially to her. But just in general that's not my thing.

Breakfast tasted better today and I'm counting out the minutes for Jude to pick me up later.

I told my mom he was taking me to a lunch date, so I would have an excuse for not eating here today. It's not uncommon for that to happen on weekends.

Since we can't exactly stay overnight, Jude is picking me up early so I can spend the entire day alone with him.

I know that both of us are on borrowed time since he failed to discover his mate. I also know that he could be mated away from me any day now. As soon as his mate ages into consent [turn 17].

But I can't help the way I feel about him. I'm so in love, I'm entrapped by him. I can't explain it. There's a magnetism that pulls me towards him.

It's like a scene from Mission Impossible. Tom Cruise is riding a bike on the mountains and he has to catch a moving train, except he has no way of going from the mountains to the train or the railroad.

He rides his bike until the end of the mountain and jumps off a cliff with no way of knowing if he's gonna catch the train or even survive, for that matter.

All he knew was he had to catch that particular train.

This is me, jumping off a cliff probably into my death, but fuck if I can stop myself. I guess you could say he's my ride or die. I walked right into this one... *laughs nervously*

"Good morning, Beck. Are you ready for our date?" - Jude greeted me as he walked inside the pack house. I stepped out of the living room where I was waiting for him.

"Good morning, Jude. I have never been so ready in my entire life." - I replied enthusiastically. He smiled at me and we walked together to his car parked outside, where he kissed me.

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