Chapter 46: Hold Me in Your Arms

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I keep trying to wake up from a nightmare that doesn't end.

It's like Freddy Krueger took a hold of my life in such a way that instead of my dreams, he terrorizes my reality.

It was already a tough pill to swallow seeing my brother mated and marked. Sure, it was an incredible thing that happened to him. To find one's mate AFTER completing the bond is unheard of in our history.

I understand Beck's situation is a unique one considering he wasn't able to shift. We all know the reason why we get mates is the presence of our wolf spirit. If not for them, we'd be just like humankind, mating by choice. *sweats*

It's our wolf who gets mated, not us. So if his wolf was trapped inside his body, it explains why Jude couldn't discover him on our birthday. Because if his wolf wasn't there, then there's no one to be mated to.

Oh and before you ask, it's true that humans can be mated to us and they also don't shift or glow their eyes. But Beck isn't human, so the same rules apply. No wolf, no mate.

It's a fantastic tale, really. If they haven't had sex with each other, they could never have discovered each other as mates.

Can you imagine if Beck was one of these kids who wanted to save themselves for their mates?

It would be a catch 22 for the ages.

Goddess knows if it was up to me that would never come to pass...

Tears come to my eyes.

I'm devastated by this turn of events.

On Monday, I was already getting pity stares from most of my classmates on account of my brother's surprise mating. They heard about it on Sunday after Elaine blasted off when Jude had breakfast at the pack house. She lives there with her family since her dad is the Beta of our pack.

Everyone knows we are in a tight race for the Alpha position and I can't throw my hat in the race if I'm not mated. Though I never expected to remain mateless for long.

Still, I was looked down upon for the first time in my life. And I hated it with all my might. I fought too hard to be looked down now. Are you freaking kidding me?

I am Quentin Atwood, son of the Alpha.

But I wasn't prepared for what would happen next. No one was.

My eyes began to shine unexpectedly inside the classroom. My wolf got restless inside my chest, howling as if our mate was near. Very close.

I barely had time to react before Beck appeared inside of the classroom with inexplicable glowing eyes.

How is this even possible?

Forget about him being a man.

Forget about him not being an omega.

What I can't understand for the life of me is why would I be paired with the same person who is already mated to my brother? I can't grapple with this reasoning. Like at all.

And then to be rejected by Beck was the cherry on top of an already terrible cake. Horrible. Monstrous. And impossibly painful.

I don't think there's a single girl in our school that would reject me as a mate. Why the hell would I be mated to a boy?

The only person who hates me.

Of course, he rejected me. Given our history together, who wouldn't?

I'm not angry because of his reaction, I'm furious because he should never have had this kind of power over me in the first place.

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