Chapter 18: Cold Water

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I'm so excited.

I had such a blast yesterday on my visit to Jude's residency, I never wanted it to end.

There was the occasional intervention by his brother with his lewd comments, but that didn't rattle my cage nearly as much as I thought it would.

I also don't know exactly why Jalensky was giving me the evil eye, but I'm done letting my life be influenced by homophobes.

No, sir. This is me and I'm not gonna dim my light for someone else to shine. You can either get with the program or get the fuck away from my sight.

Now back to the visit, I loved spending time with him. Without the pressure of the school environment, we got to enjoy ourselves and let loose.

We talked for hours about the most diverse topics, from coming out to my old life at the reservation. It was so great to speak about personal subjects without the fear of judgment, for once in my lifetime.

Though to be fair, Kingsley didn't judge me either when he heard my story. But he's such a sweetheart. Though I have only known him for a short amount of time, I love him already as if we were raised together.

It was a hot day, but the temperature definitely got higher when we were alone in his bedroom. I was basically trying to hold myself back from kissing him. I'm blushing right now just to think about it, but it's the honest truth.

He looked so good yesterday, hot damn, those lips were so darn kissable...

He always looks good, but I had yet to see him in shorts. Though he showed a little amount of skin, I was thirsting after him as if he was naked. I can only hope...

In all honesty, I genuinely didn't come to his house with any ulterior motive. I really just wanted to take him up on his friendly offer. It wasn't until I was watching attentively a drop of coke drip from his mouth towards his neck that I realized how lustful I was for him.

I'm not gonna lie, the highlight of my day was when we're about to leave his room and suddenly I realized he was pitching a massive tent inside his shorts as he stood up from the bed.

Though I blushed at the sight, as did him, I was very impressed with his human nature. Not that I care about size or anything like that. Unfortunately, I haven't been around many naked boys to compare and I really wouldn't care otherwise.

But what I was really amused by is the fact that he too was as engaged by me as I was by him. It wasn't just a one boy show of acting a fool in front of another boy way out of his league. I loved how he tried to carry on like it was nothing, which it really wasn't.

I'm so excited about going to the waterfalls with him today. Though the offer to go to the country club was enticing, I was blue balled after my cousin showed me the place from his car. I wanted to visit the famed waterfalls that name this town.

Even if his friend Layla comes with us, I wouldn't mind it at all. I'm all about strengthening friendships and would be delighted by her presence. Though to be fair, if she does come, I should invite my cousin as well. If this is a friends' date, then he should totally be invited too.

I feel like I'm neglecting him by not spending time with my adorable cousin. But I most definitely am gonna make it up to him as soon as possible. Even if we don't go out together with them, I can stop by his house later. I'm sure the waterfall thing is not gonna last long since we're going early in the morning.

My mom inquired about my visit during dinner and I told her it went great. Then she scolded me for not telling her it was at the Alpha's residence. I blushed before the other residents at the dinner table and explained to her that I didn't see the relevance.

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