Chapter 81: Enigma

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Right now, Mr. and Mrs. Becker are talking to the doctor who just treated Beck as he got sick after he drank the abortion tea his grandmother gave him. It has been a rather eventful day.

It's literally the last day of the year and we have been discovering new things by the minute. So far, Beck has been confirmed to be pregnant with twins. TWINS, I said! *gasp*

While the doctor and the Beckers were talking outside of my mate's bedroom, in the meantime, me, Quentin and Beck's fraternal grandparents are in the living room, hanging on her every word. Eager to find out what is going on and what breed of werewolf Beck really is. Enough with the suspense already, doctor! Tell us, please!

"From what I've read, there's a special breed of werewolf. A hybrid type of Alpha that can conceive children if their partner needs them to. It's kind of awesome, to be honest. They are like a super Alpha." - She explained, really excited about this marvelous information.

"A super Alpha?!" - Viho and Talla gasped in shock, speaking in unison, baffled by this shocking news.

"Yeah, omegas wouldn't be able to handle two Alpha mates. But your son could probably take them both down, to be honest." - She was telling them while my brother and I were gobsmacked by all this.

"Oh really?" - Viho was having the time of his life now. If it weren't for the fact that his son lies in bed very sick.

"Yeah. The truth is Kuckunniwi is an Enygma." - She declared, much to our collective shock.

"A what?" - Talla frowned in confusion, looking puzzled by this.

"An Enygma. A special breed of Alpha." - She reiterated. - "Anyway, Beck is now resting. He's been medicated and shouldn't feel much discomfort. However, he must not go anywhere tonight. Unfortunately, he is not out of the woods just yet in regards to the pregnancy. He'll probably pass some time in the bathroom still. If he feels any discomfort in the morning, call me." - She concluded in a matter of fact tone.

"Doctor, what about the pregnancy? Is it taken care of?" - Talla asked her, a bit uncomfortable by the subject.

"Yes, he should be no longer pregnant by tomorrow." - She explained in a sorrowful tone. I take it she's not happy about this on a personal note, not that she let it transpire to the Beckers.

"Thank you for everything, doctor. I'll walk you out." - Viho spoke, accompanying her to the front door.

I looked at Quentin baffled by all this, mouthing off: 'a super Alpha?'. Oh my Goddess!

Viho's parents stood up after the doctor was gone and comforted their son. His mother apologized once more for her part in it. Had she known Beck was one month into the pregnancy, she would have made other arrangements, as the doctor suggested.

Apparently, there's a difference between stopping a pregnancy from happening and getting rid of one once it already began. Quentin and I were sitting on the couch, still processing everything the doctor just said.

"You're right." - Quentin said, staring at me with a serious expression.

"About what?" - I questioned him, not knowing what he was referring to.

"If Beck is one month pregnant, then the twins can only be yours. I'm sure we would've discovered this information eventually and it would totally break my spirit. I'd feel like an uncle to them and would lose the drive to fight for Alpha. I'm sure you can relate to this sentiment. So, I guess you were right after all. If we know for a fact that our mate is carrying the other one's child, it'd change our entire relationship and it'd always be in the back of my mind, lurking, waiting for the day you'd tell me: 'I'm their father, not you'." - He ranted, deeply disturbed by this fact, unknown to all of us till now.

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