Chapter 34: Open Your Heart

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By the time I dropped Cassie back at her house on Saturday, it was nearly past her curfew.

What a great night. The best homecoming dance of my four years in high school.

Everything was great, from the decorations to the beverages. The night went as perfect as I imagined it would be. Though it could be better if my best friend didn't sulk the whole night, but we can't all get dates.

Sorry, Dragon. Not many girls are fond of sharing their men with other men. Unless maybe if it was a threesome. But high school girls are not so evolved. I understand sexuality is a spectrum and everything, but I get why he was so radioactive to them.

Owen, on the other hand, was the breakout star of the night. He hit it off with Elaine and though they didn't kiss, the chemistry was there. And it was palpable, if you ask me. The moment he touched her neck with his nose, I thought the girl would break out in heat - even though she's not an omega.

Of course, one might argue that the virgins took the crown tonight. I'm talking about Owen, Layla and Beck whose dates were incredible throughout the evening. I know my brother couldn't take his eyes - or hands - off of the freak. Good for him.

It's great that they had this time to enjoy themselves because tick tock his mate is coming and 'peasant' is only buying his time before they get paired up. Yes, I meant Kingsley. I know there are other omegas my brother could be paired with, but nobody can convince me it isn't going to be him.

I, on the other hand, have no idea with whom I'm gonna be paired up. Of course, I'd love for it to be Cassie and I'm rooting for her, but I'm not delusional. I know the chances are slim.

Whatever. I genuinely don't care much about who, but I hope she will want to complete the bond soon. I mean, of course I care. But there's no point beating myself up about it. It is what it is. And I am serious about the completing the bond part. I'm eager for it.

After I arrived home, I slept through most of the morning and woke up in time for lunch.

My parents were excited about our homecoming dance and when I walked inside the kitchen my mom was scrolling through social media on her tablet, checking out all the photos posted of the event.

She saw one of Jude and Beck together and she genuinely teared up. I'm not exaggerating. Jude posted a picture of them on his Instagram and it's blowing up. My father doesn't pay much attention to these kinds of things, but he was equally proud of his boys. It's a nice change of pace since I fucked up so much this year.

My brother also woke up late and practically glided through the house happily. He was sighing and absentminded, all signs pointing towards a massive heartbreak when he gets mated away from his boyfriend. Not that I am one to judge him in this department.

Even the food tasted better today.

Come to think of it, I shouldn't have bet the car I'd be mated to Cassie. What the hell was I thinking? Sometimes my ego gets the best of me in situations, but now it's too late. I can't walk that back now. It's not how Alphas behave.

But I would pay a fortune to see the look on his face when she and I get mated.

Since Sunday was Jude's turn with the car, I stayed home all day. Normally I would have Dragon stop by the house, but that's not happening any time soon. Not with the whole 'he fucked my brother' situation. Also, my father is probably not a fan of his at this moment.

I was in such a good mood that the day flew by.

On Monday, students were buzzing about the homecoming dance. Who shined, who shrunk, who dazzled and who made a fool of himself by going after my committed brother. Honestly, I never quite understood the word 'cringe' until now.

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