chapter 3

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” Leave her alone.  She does not like strangers,” was the response.

So, he guessed right from the delicate hand, the cloaked figure was a girl.

Tae turned to the man and said “Please, I am not going to bother her.  I just want to make sure she is ok.  You know she heard them.”

The man shook his head no, but Tae persisted. "I will just take it to her.  I won’t even talk to her. Please.”

He walked away but returned with a delicate porcelain cup of rose infused tea.

“She has had nothing all afternoon.  I was just about to take this to her. Do not bother her! I promise you this.  One tiny bit of distress and I will call the cops and have your ass hauled to jail,” he warned.

Tae nodded his understanding.  As he reached for the cup the man stopped him again. 

”No, I will personally stomp your ass and then, once you get out of the hospital, I will call the cops. Got it?” he threatened.

Tae nodded again and swallowed hard. “Got it.”

Finally releasing the cup, the man stood back and watched as Tae gingerly took the tea.  Now he was nervous as heck and more curious than ever.

He quietly approached the small figure in the courtyard.  The sun had hit the “golden hour" just before sunset and the whole area was awash in soft golden light.

Tae stepped in front of the girl and started to speak, but she flinched away from him.  Casting a worried glance inside at the scowling man at the bar, he took a large step away and sank down cross legged in front of the hooded figure.

“I brought your tea" he said gently. 

She started at his voice, but did not draw away from him.

He slowly sat the cup of tea in front of her and drew his hands back to rest on his knees.

He held his breath as one small hand appeared from the cloak and with a whisper soft finger traced the handle and the side still warm from Tae's hand. He felt a warmth steal over him.  He felt that gentle touch as surely as if she had reached for him.

After several minutes she raised her head.  Her face was shadowed within the hood and the sun was now beaming directly on Tae, haloing him, his face beautiful in the dying light. 

He closed his eyes and allowed the sun's caresses, sad to realize he did not remember the last time he had sat on the grass and been kissed by the sun.

He was startled to find the sun's rays had been replaced by a gentle finger tracing his brow, then his nose and then his lips.  Tae swallowed hard. 

He was not sure what was happening, but he did know this feeling, this time, was a fragile thing and he wanted to protect it at all costs.

He slowly opened his eyes, just in time to see her quickly drop her hand.
He did not speak, simply nodded his thanks to her.  They sat there in silence as the sun slowly fell asleep around them.

In the dying rays, a group of dust motes danced again.  Again, the hand emerged to touch and guide the specks.  Tae looked closely this time and he could see each speak floated and twinkled in the light.  They each looked like a tiny diamond suspended for that moment in time.

Tae reached and caught one and looked in wonder as it seemed to become a prism dancing with fire on his finger, then taking flight again as if it had important business to attend.

“It’s beautiful!” he marveled, looking to share the wonder with his companion.
Any other comment died in his throat as he looked into the eyes of the girl seated across him.  She had tilted her head back to watch him and the hood had fallen enough to give a glimpse of her face. 

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