chapter 81

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He made it home only a little late, after calling Sky so she would not worry

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He made it home only a little late, after calling Sky so she would not worry.

She came flying into his arms as soon as she heard him, bubbling over with the news of how much she liked Lyra, how she had been asked to help with the party  

Tae smiled and danced her to the chair, pulling her into his lap and intently listening to every word spilling from her sweet lips.  He stopped and asked all the right questions and offered to help in all the correct ways. 

But honestly after the first several minutes, all he could think was how happy she was and how much he loved her.  That was all he needed to know.

She talked until she ran out of words and needed some time to regroup.  Tae recognized she had hit that point, so he gently lifted her off his lap and settled her in the chair.  

He kissed her sweetly and offered to go downstairs and order supper for them.  He left her in the quiet of the loft and padded downstairs to visit Nev and give her time alone.

Nev nodded him to a table and sent an order to the kitchen for them.  He soon joined Tae with a drink and his version of the day. 

Tae again nodded and listened, but actually he had retreated to that part of his brain that allowed him to process all this information.  The café soon grew busy and Nev excused himself, promising to bring the food as soon as it was done.

By the time the food was ready Tae had sorted all the information rumbling in his brain and was ready to focus all his attention on Sky.

When he entered the loft, he realized it was perfect timing. 

She was setting plates and drinks on the table in anticipation of his arrival.  She looked drained, but in a way that he knew meant she was content and at peace.

They ate in quiet candlelight, holding hands and sharing food and gentle kisses. There was no real need for conversation now. 

They quickly cleaned up and readied for bed.  She waited until he checked the locks and turned off the lights, meeting him in the middle of the bed. 

This night he kissed her with exquisite tenderness, his hands soft and gentle, trailing heat wherever he touched, slowly building a fire in both of them. 

He rocked her slowly into hard rippling release, following moments behind, capturing her mouth in a lingering kiss as they both shattered. Then they drifted back to reality and found that as they drifted to sleep, entangled together, that at least for this day, everything was perfect.

The next couple of weeks were almost frantic with year-end work and party planning. 

Sky was gaining confidence daily as she and Lyra planned.  They had lunch with Dae a couple of times and they all were growing closer as they shared ideas about the party and tidbits about the men they loved.

 Hoseok began to call them “the sorority” and kept saying all the men were doomed. 

Dae would just laugh and say “Oh Hobi! How right you are.”

The week of the party had Sky swinging between giddy excitement and jangled nerves. 

She made Tae promise not to look at the preparations, even though he walked through the boxes and crates every day.  He lied and said he noticed nothing and she was happy.

She had refined her main idea several times.  She and Lyra had been taken with the idea to bring the charm and natural beauty of the courtyard into the gallery for the evening. 

They both took turns talking the other out of the more elaborate ideas, agreeing to keep them in a note book for future parties.

Sky walked every day into her corner of the courtyard.  She wanted to bring in some traditions she had loved when she lived abroad. 

She walked with an old basket and gathered greenery and pine cones.  She found branches and twigs that intrigued her. 

Late in the week she ventured into the far corner of the property and discovered a path had been cleared to the lot adjoining this one. This had been newly done because she had never seen this small patch of land before. 

It was truly enchanted, with deeper woods and patches of earth that would be lush in the late summer.  She longed to explore the area, but grew unsure where the property lines were. 

She would ask Tae to come back and explore with her. For now, she contented herself with gathering braches loaded with red berries.  Now she had exactly what she needed.

Sky worked every day leading up to the party.  Things had gone a bit off when Dae had to schedule a last-minute meeting on the Paris project for that Saturday. 

Sky assured Lyra that between she and the workmen everything would be ready. 

All week supplies were delivered to the loft.  It started with the long rustic table and chairs they had selected. 

They placed the table in the far end of the long gallery near the fireplace and Tae's paintings. 

Sky had the workers move some of the seating areas around so that there were several places for them to gather and talk.

Large vases filled with white flowering branches wrapped in tiny lights were delivered and placed in the corner for the workman to move as she requested.  Boxes of lanterns of all sizes and dozens of candles sat waiting as well.

Linens and plates and silverware arrived exactly as scheduled. Nev stocked the bar with the best liquor and finalized the menu.

Now all that remained was for her to pull it all together.

The excitement is building for the party! We are nearing the end, but not before spending some scrumptious time with the whole group, plus a couple of twists!

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The excitement is building for the party! We are nearing the end, but not before spending some scrumptious time with the whole group, plus a couple of twists!

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