chapter 73

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The next morning Tae raised his sleepy head to look around the room

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The next morning Tae raised his sleepy head to look around the room. Squinting in the morning sun, he groaned at the soreness in his muscles, then he smiled his slow, sensuous smile.

“Sky?” he croaked, his voice hoarse and his throat dry.  He turned in the bed, groaning again as the memories of last night stirred through him.

He sighed when he saw her sitting in the bed, watching him sleep.

“What are you doing there?” he asked, rolling toward her and putting his head in her lap. 

She had showered already, her hair was pulled back into a neat braid and she had pulled on a simple silk nightgown.  He wrapped around her, nuzzling her soft stomach, sighing as her hands tugged to untangle the mess of his hair.

“No fair! You are fresh and smell like a garden and I am a grubby mess,” he complained.

She moved, causing him to sit up in the bed, settling against the headboard.

She watched him as he stretched, the white sheet falling low against his lap making him marginally decent.  One golden leg, bent at the knee escaped from the sheet.  He propped the pillows behind him, one arm behind his head, the other resting in her lap, playing with the silk of her gown.

His chest was littered with love marks and her glance traced them down into his belly.

He leaned and gently kissed her.

“Let’s just stay like this all day,” he teased, slipping his mouth down her neck, then down her shoulder as he pushed off the thin strap of the silk gown.

She shuddered at his mouth and hands, but she seized on his words.

“Taehyung,” she whispered. 

Something about her tone and use of his full name had his full attention.  He straightened to look at her and saw confusion and uncertainty in her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, taking both hands in his and giving a reassuring squeeze. “Talk to me.”

Her smile trembled but she took her chance.

“Tae….can we?  Can we stay like this forever? She asked.

“Absolutely!!” he laughed, moving to kiss her. She put a gentle hand out to stop him.  He could tell then that she was serious. 

He wasted a moment thinking of the practical.  He mentally reviewed his day, trying to shuffle meetings and appointments.

She broke into his thought with a soft sigh.  She had his entire attention.

“I mean….do you think we could…..” she paused. “Can we have this for always?” she asked. 

He was adorably confused as he titled his head and tried to understand what she was saying. 

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