chapter 75

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Tae laughed and turned his attention to the presentations

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Tae laughed and turned his attention to the presentations.  He already knew most of this information since he and JK had discussed the logistics last week.

As Hobi finished, Tae felt his attention start to drift again.  He was thinking about things he needed to do for tonight when Dae stood and brought him back to the task at hand.

“Thank you Hobi.  And thanks to all three of our teams for all the work you have done preparing the projects for the new year,” she started.

“This year will bring a lot of changes and challenges, but I know we are up to the task!” she said.

Tae leaned forward.  She was nervous and excited.  Something big was happening.

“I have exciting news! And it is was just confirmed as I was coming into the meeting.  Some of you know Hoseok has been working with a couple of international firms and Lyra is in Paris with her design team on a scouting trip.” She paused.

Tae glanced at JK.  He looked so miserable.  He needed no reminder that the woman he loved was half the world away. 

He caught Tae's eye and squared up, looking for an excuse to fight.  Tae deeply felt his friend’s loneliness and worry.  He was ashamed he had not picked up on it earlier.

“Sorry,” Tae mouthed at his friend. 

A shake of his head affirmed Jungkook knew what he was trying to say.  He smiled; thankful Taehyung understood. 

“But, today I got confirmation that we will be working with a firm from the States.  They are relatively new, but are breaking big in markets there, and they want to partner with us!”
Her excitement was contagious and the room buzzed.

“And Hobi, this will be a major project for you,” Dae said, practically bouncing with the news.

Hoseok's usually serene face was marred by a frown.  Tae sensed hesitation or concern from his friend.

“This group started in a small town outside of Boston and then moved to New York.  Since you spent a couple of years there in university, you will be the perfect liaison.  I want you to be the project manager on this contract,”Dae finished.

There was a rush of congratulations and applause as Hoseok considered what Dae was saying.  The room was buzzing with the news and that spilled out into the halls as Dae thanked everyone again for their work and excused them for the catered lunch in the large conference room.

Hobi sat in silence as the room emptied.  The bustle passed him without notice.  Dae was saying goodbye to Jin and Joon, but she kept glancing at him.

He rushed to compose himself.  It had been 2 years since he returned home, 5 since he was at university. 

This was just a coincidence, he assured himself.  This could not be connected in any way to Izzy & Fitz.  That was just a crazy dream they had talked about when they were bored or drunk. 

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