chapter 47

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“Edward took care of everything

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“Edward took care of everything.  No one knew anything about the marriage and I was told by officers they would be back after the mourning period.  My travel documents got approved and we flew out in the early morning hours three days later, unnoticed.”

“Because of the circumstances, Edward explained that we would be watched very closely and that we would have to stay married for years.  It did not matter to me.  He was kind and I had no one else, nowhere else to go.”

“Two years ago, we came here.  I continued to write.  I really love it,” she faltered. 

Tae thought this was the first positive thing she had said tonight.  He thought of the way she looked in the sunlight writing in her notebooks.  Writing had saved her.

“It was very nice.  We had a small apartment near the campus and I stayed pretty well hidden away inside.  We did not have any outdoor space there.  I…..need to be connected to nature. It is just…the way I am.  The courtyard here became my escape.  It was the only place I felt free to be myself.”

“Then Edward got sick.  He could no longer teach, but he had a contract for housing, so the university put us in the small apartment you saw.” 

Tae felt anger surge.  That was a hole in the wall and they had condemned a young woman and a dying man to survive there.

“Once Edward realized how sick he was, he told me everything.  My dad was the love of his life and he had never been happier than when we were in the villas. My dad had loved him since college, but ended marrying my mom because of his family.  He promised my dad that he would always take care of me, and he did. Looking back, I guess I should have known they were lovers.  I guess I was just too busy trying to survive the mess I was making of my own life,”

“Then, the day I first saw you….for once everything made sense for those few perfect minutes.  And…..” she could not finish the words. 

They held hands and let the emotions soak the air between them.  Tae understood.  Finally, he nodded at her to finish.

“Now that he is gone, his department chair came by and told me I had to leave.  Or rather he gave me a couple of lewd options or I could leave.”

She looked at Tae who had immediately sat forward at that last comment.  She could see the fury in his eyes.

“Tae…it is ok.  I am going to get a few things and leave so that he will have no idea where to find me.  But……” she took a big gulping breath and the tears began to stream. “But…..I could not leave until I told you everything.”

“When?” was his only question.

“I will get my things in the morning.  He has given me until nightfall tomorrow night,” she answered.

“Where do you plan on going?” he asked, trying to keep the fear out of his voice.

She swallowed hard. “Oh, I have several options I am considering, “she said, staring at the fire and refusing to meet his gaze.

“Lie!” he said.  She jumped at the word and turned to him.  He could see the guilt in her face.

“Please…..don’t lie to me,” he said, softly this time, , his deep voice rumbling through her.

“Do you have a place, other than that room, to stay tonight?” he asked. He was interrogating again and he intended to use it to his advantage.

She simply shook her head.

“Do you have a specific place, planned and confirmed, to be tomorrow before nightfall?” he pressed.

She looked at him and refused to lie but also refused to hope. She would figure this out.

He could almost see the thoughts tumbling in her head.  She did not have a plan but she was clinging to hope that one appeared. 

She had been sheltered by men her whole life, but she had learned the hard lessons that they were fragile and failed too.  She was out of trust and perhaps hope.

In that moment he decided what he needed to do.

“I know these decisions need to be yours.  And they need to be separated from this…… current that runs between us.  If only we had all the time to figure this out.  But we don’t.” he took a deep breath.

The tears fell harder.  There truly was no hope for her.  She was so tired.

“Tonight,” he said, gently tilting her face to his.  Stay here. Please.  There is a room upstairs, everything you need is here.  The locks are secure.  Nev or I will stay in the break room downstairs.  You will be safe,” he coaxed. 

She nodded.  One more night would be ok.  She doubted at this point she could even drag herself back to the rooms.

“Yes?” he asked.

“Yes,” she confirmed, giving in and closing her eyes and surrendering to the warmth of the fire and the comfort of cushions and blankets.

“Yes, right here,” she sighed.

She missed Tae's smile as she drifted away, unable to resist now that she was safe- at least for now.

“And Sky?” He called softly.

She mumbled to acknowledge him.

“Tomorrow morning?  We will go get your things and move them upstairs ok? And you can stay till things are decided. Ok"? He asked, his voice dark velvet as she drifted away.

“Ok,” she responded, a soft smile spreading over her face as she heard his deep hum of approval.

Tae thought again how beautiful she was and how he wanted to protect her.  He pulled the blankets to cover her more completely and sat back and made himself comfortable. 

He texted Dae that he would not be in tomorrow but he would try to call late in the day.  He ended with “Things are good tonight DaeDear"

He only snoozed in small spells, checking on her or lying in the dark watching the stars out the large windows.

She had surprised him tonight, and there was more he needed to know.  But for now, he contented himself with listening to her gentle breathing and sighs. 

Things were indeed good tonight.

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