chapter 90

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Tae woke up early, the full day already sorting in his head

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Tae woke up early, the full day already sorting in his head.  He rolled to find Sky already awake and fretting.

She sat with her back to the head board, hair streaming in a halo around her head, fingers twisting the blanket covering her lap.

He shifted until his head was in her lap and she gently bent and kissed him.

They were quiet for several minutes until his alarm sounded.  He pulled himself to sit beside her and wrap her in his arms.

“It will be fine, “he assured her between tiny kisses.  “Ok?”

She nodded at him, gaining strength from him.

He groaned and pulled himself out of bed.  He padded to the bathroom and started the shower and stepped into the kitchen to bring her a drink, fruit and the snack cake she loved.  He laughed as she ripped the paper from the cake and took a bite.

“Promise me you will eat a real breakfast before you leave,” he coaxed.  She agreed and with one more kiss he headed to shower.

He gave her encouragement the entire time he dressed, kissing her between pep talks, holding her as he finished dressing until the minute he had to leave.

“You are sure you will be ok with a cab?” he asked again.

“I am sure,” she assured him.

“Call when you are close and I will bring you upstairs,” he said.  One last kiss and he was gone.

Sky read and wrote for the next couple of hours, surprised at how quickly time had passed.

She threw on comfortable clothes and headed downstairs to fulfill her promise of a “real breakfast”.  Chocolate croissants and Diet Coke fit the bill, right?

She headed upstairs to shower and took care with her makeup and hair.  She scolded herself.  This was Dae!  Why was she so nervous?  Because she really wanted this, she answered herself.

Always a process for her, she searched her closet and settled on black and white houndstooth pants, and oversized white sweater and a black leather jacket Tae had picked for her.  The short black boots were Tae pics as well.  Looking in the mirror, she felt confident. 

She nodded at her reflection, squared her shoulders and set out for downtown.

She easily caught a cab and called Tae when she drew near.  He was waiting outside the building when she pulled up.  He hurried and opened the door for her, reaching for her hand to help her out of the car.  She laughed at the gesture, but really wanted any excuse to hold onto him.

As she stepped out and Taehyung got his first look at her, he cursed and squeezed her hand. His face darkened with a look that was purely Tae, his eyes slightly narrowed accompanied by him slowly taking his bottom lip between his teeth. 

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