chapter 49

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She opened the door and he followed her inside

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She opened the door and he followed her inside.  The room was not much changed from before.  Only a few things were not neatly boxed up or placed out of the way. 

A couple of dishes sat on the table.  The sleeping mats were tightly rolled and placed along the wall.  There were two small duffle bags in the middle of the floor.  Honestly, he did not see much else.

He stood quietly, allowing her to spend the time she needed to let go of this space.  Finally, she drew a deep breath and nodded.

“What do you want me to do?” he asked, waiting for her permission to begin.

She pointed past the half wall that divided the rooms and said, “There are boxes there.  Two boxes of books.  Could you get those please?”

He nodded and crossed the room.  There were four small boxes in the floor.  He picked two up and placed them next the door.  He returned for the other two, grunting as he picked up the weighted boxes. 

“I’ll take these down to the car and come back for the other,” he said.  She nodded, knowing it was his way of giving her some privacy before she left this place behind.

She listened to his sure footsteps retreat down the hall.

She walked the length of the place one last time wondering how many times she had paced these worn boards.

She picked the dishes up from the table, souvenirs from their travels and placed them carefully in the last box.
She turned when the door opened, surprised that she had not heard or sensed Taehyung.

Fear washed over her as she realized why.  It was not Taehyung.  It was Edward’s colleague from the university, the one with the explicit ideas of how she could save herself from the streets.

The look he gave her made her uncomfortable, made her pull her coat more tightly around herself.

“Why are you here?  I have until nightfall.  Please leave,” she said, trying to keep the fear from her voice.

“I came by early to celebrate,” he said placing a bottle of cheap wine and an envelope on the small counter.

“There is nothing for you to celebrate, I am leaving. In just minutes, well before your deadline.  There is nothing you can hold over me now,” she said.

His face blotched with anger, and Sky could tell he was refusing to listen to her. 

He laughed at her and repeated one of his more disturbing demands, blocking the door and trapping her in the room.

“I have….other arrangements,” she said. “I have no interest in you.  I need nothing you have.”

“Really?” he asked, picking the envelope up from the table. “Then I guess you don’t need to know why a law firm would be looking for you.”

He held the letter out of her reach.

“Are you being arrested?  Are they suing you?? “He laughed as he walked closer.” Or maybe your sugar daddy ....sorry... “husband" left you some money!”

Her eyes widened at that.  How could she be so stupid.  Surely Edward left something for her. 

He had once told her something about her father’s estate and the proceeds from her writing.  There was money, she was sure of it.

The man continued to hold the envelope in the air, out of her reach.

“Yes…now you see, right?” he said, pushing closer to her, “I will contact this lawyer and tell them Edward’s dying instruction was for me to be your guardian and have control of your money.  There is plenty of evidence around here that you can’t be trusted on your own.”

His laugh at her fear sent a chill through her.  Could he do that?

But then his next demand jolted her stomach to the point she thought she would be sick.

He stood with the paper over his head, laughing down at her, the other hand on his belt.

“Now, be a good girl. Let's see how you earned your keep all these years,” he jeered.

Sky was frozen in place.  The next few moments unfolded in slow motion.

Suddenly the envelope was ripped from the man's grasp and long fingers grabbed his wrist like a vise.

Taehyung!  Her eyes met his and found fury there.  She watched as the man's arm was wrenched behind his back at the same time his knees were buckled beneath him.

Tae leaned down to the now terrified man and whispered

“Let’s see what you have to offer, now that you are the one on your knees"

Tae reached into the man's pants pocket and he began to cry and beg.  This was a side of Tae that she had never imagined, but she was for damn sure happy to witness it.

He dug out the man's wallet and he began to whimper.

“Yes!  Money….I will give you money…just please don’t……” the end was distorted by sobs as Tae grabbed his hair and pulled his head back.

He let the terror of vulnerability wash over the man, wishing he could beat him to a bloody pulp.
Instead, he shoved him in a pile in the floor and stepped over his sniveling body to stand between him and Sky. 

With a quick hug he checked she was ok.  He took the wallet and removed the man's ID card. 

He then threw the wallet at the man, striking his cheek and causing a small cut to bloom with blood.  It gave Tae a small measure of satisfaction to see the man start to panic again when he felt the blood trickle down his face.

“I am taking this to the police and making a report.  You will be questioned.  You may be charged,” Tae said, pausing to let that sink in.

“That does not really matter in the big picture.  What does matter is that I know your name and address.  I know how to track you down.  If she EVER sees your face, hears your voice…hell, even THINKS about you….. I WILL find you.  And we will finish what you started.  Understand,” he said, his voice so quiet and calm that it was chilling.

The man nodded, trying to crawl toward the door.

“Leave,” Tae said, his deep voice still an echo down in hall when the man burst out of the building and out into the street.

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