chapter 53

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Sky was where he left her, standing in front of the fire, staring into the blaze

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Sky was where he left her, standing in front of the fire, staring into the blaze.

She turned to him as he came in the room.  Something in him stirred, almost a memory of coming to her, ending the day in her sweet, calm presence.

He placed his bag on the ottoman and dug until he found the tee shirt he had brought.

“I did not know if you had something to sleep in.  Seems strange to me now, but I brought it …” he trailed off as she took the shirt from his hands.

“I don’t have anything. This is perfect,” she sighed, burying her face in the soft fabric and drawing a deep breath.

He had to look away.  She moved him in ways he did not understand and that were dangerous right now.

“The bathroom downstairs is being repaired I’ll just….” He nodded down the hall and walked that direction.

Sky exhaled as he left the room, finding she had been holding her breath.  He looked otherworldly in the firelight.  She was torn by the question of how a man that beautiful could be real. 

At the same time, she was struggling with the sense that she had waited for him in just this way many times before, that in some way scattered pieces were being drawn together.

She sat and pondered this as he left the room. She quickly slipped out of her clothes and pulled his shirt over her head.

The softness against her bare breasts, the scent of him surrounding her made her hyper aware of the sounds coming from the next room.  She did not want him sleeping downstairs tonight.

She was drawn toward him, stopping in the doorway to watch him getting ready for bed. He had changed into a pair of shorts and she took a minute to admire his toned calves and thighs.  He was standing with a towel draped around his neck, covering his bare chest.  His skin was like honey and she was mesmerized.

He had grabbed his travel bag and, in an effort, to keep his mind off the woman in the next room, he had taken his night care products out and placed them on the counter.  He had washed his face and was looking for his toner when he noticed her in the doorway.

The curiosity on her face made him smile.  His nod drew her further into the room until she stood next to him, looking in the mirror.

She started to ask questions about the bottles and uses of each one.
 He patiently explained each product, the thought of the young girl growing up without a mom and no close friends to share these simple things made him sad.  She watched as he used the toner and then drew closer as he chose a lotion.

Smiling at her in the mirror, realizing how cramped the small room was, he turned without thinking and picked her up and placed her on the counter in front of him.

Only as she settled there did he realize what a mistake that was. 

The counter put her at approximately his height and when she opened her knees and pulled him closer to her he struggled to breath.  The counter was the perfect height for a lot of things.

He tried to focus.  She was not trying to seduce him, not intentionally anyway.  She was genuinely interested in the skin care.  She had taken the thick lotion and rubbed it into her own skin, asking questions about why and when and how often. 

As he answered she scooted closer to him bracketing him between her legs.  He closed his eyes to breath and as he did so he felt her fingers begin to sooth the moisturizer into his skin. 

He opened his eyes then, watching her concentrate on his face, her fingers applying the product.  But once all trace of it was gone, she continued to touch him, just like she had the last time. 

The feather light touch on his face and across his brows stirred his body.  Her caress was a promise and he was too easily swept up in it.

He tried to regain control of his unruly body but the need for her was too strong.  He needed to stop this while he still could.

Sky was fascinated by his beauty, but she also was humming with the connection she felt when she touched him.  She felt his protection and kindness and strength radiate from him. 

She could not explain it, but she had always been able to feel energy from people.  Taehyung had the purest energy, brightest light, of any person she had ever met.  She was drawn to him.

And so, in that moment, just like in those first moments when they met, she leaned into him and kissed him

Tae had been trying to force himself to step away from her, to set her down from the counter and escape to the hard, small, cold couch downstairs.  That was exactly what he needed right now.

Trying to get his brain to comply with that plan, he was taken by surprise by her kiss. But within seconds he was dragged under by the sweetness of her lips, the gentleness of her mouth.

He groaned and wrapped his arms around her, telling himself he was going to set her down. But then her arms tightened around him, pressing her breasts against his chest, only the thin cotton shirt between them now.  His hands found her bare legs and he traced a finger up her soft skin until he reached the hem of the tee shirt.

By now the kiss had deepened, lips exploring and tasting, her mouth slowly opening for his tongue to sweep inside.  He groaned at the way she held him, welcomed his intimate touch.

Finally, he forced himself to draw away and catch his breath.  The sight of her, eyes soft and dark with passion, her lips crushed from his kisses had him reeling.

Sky was feeling all those same things. The hours of intimacy they had built talking and sharing stories was now building in their bodies.  It felt right.  This was right.

“Please….stay with me tonight.  Here….right here with me,” she asked, her voice a mere whisper.

He heard her and felt the request rumble through him.

“Sky….are you sure? A lot has happened today.  I don’t want to rush you, or for you to have any regrets,” he said.

She looked at him then, considering his words and her feelings.  She was so grateful for his protection, but she knew this was right.  She felt his hard heat pressed into her and she knew exactly what she wanted. 

“Tae, I can’t explain this, but I am sure,” she kissed him again, stopping herself from blurting out the fact that she was sure in her spirit that he had loved her in every lifetime.  That would have to wait.

He sighed and gave himself over to her gentle touch.  He dropped the towel in the floor and picked her up and headed into the bedroom. 

He put her on her feet in front of the bed, checking one last time before he followed her into abandon. 

She stood in the firelight, the tee shirt transparent, her body outlined by the flames and reached for him. 

That was all he needed.

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