chapter 86

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They scattered around the area, breaking into groups for conversation or standing quietly in front of Tae's art.

She felt him behind her and relaxed into his chest as he bent to whisper.

“This is so well done.  I am so proud of you,” he said, kissing the shell of her ear before taking her by the hand to join one of the groups.

Nev checked with Lyra and got the go ahead to start the appetizers.  Trays of delicious foods were set out to the delight of the starving men. 

Soft jazz began to play in the background. Tae's eyes met hers and his slow wink coupled with the caress of his tongue across his lips had her blushing and giggling.

Dae frowned at him and said, “That man! Beware of him! He is wicked,” she warned.  Sky just sighed.  How well she knew that truth.

The elevator dinged, drawing all eyes to the doors as they slowly opened to reveal Park Jimin and his date. 

Dae had mentioned that the two of them had been dating for several months, a long time in terms of Jimin relationships. Sky could not place the undercurrent with Jimin and Dae. There was a story there too.

The doors opened to reveal a man with silver hair in an impeccable navy Channel suit pressed against the wall by a tall redhead, one long leg wrapped around him, her arms hands bracketing his head she passionately kissed him.  His hands were at her waist shifting her away from him.

When the doors fully opened, she turned, her face flushing a becoming shade and ducked behind him. The others recovered quickly and called out a welcome. 

Jimin had been abroad for months and the entrance was quickly forgotten in the engulfing hugs and welcomes as he made his way into the room.

He introduced his girlfriend as he went, “This is Veronica,” he would say. “Call me Roni,” she would insist.

Soon the group gathered in the large seating area near the bar, peppering Jimin with questions about his travels and sharing stories of their own.

Sky had to step away for a moment   Tae nodded as she whispered to him and she assured him she was ok.  She found the willow retreat she had tested earlier. 

From there she could observe them from a distance.  Jimin perplexed her. 

Her first impression was a purest soul, a goodness that matched his gentle beauty.  But there was a deep longing to be seen past his physical looks. Layered on that was a jarring darkness in sharp contrast. 

Roni seemed to be fitting well into the group, but she was also a mystery.  She shook her head and scolded herself.  Look at the hidden things she had in her life before she and Tae sorted them out.  They were each on a journey and it seemed that Jimin and Veronica's was in the very early stages. 

That was everyone.  She tumbled the thoughts in her mind until they settled, then closed her eyes and zoned out for a few minutes. When she opened them again the roar had softened to a low hum and the positive energy was pulling her toward the fun.

As she stepped out of the arch, she found the most beautiful sight.

Taehyung was standing in under the kissing baugh, eyes scanning the crowd.  He had not seen her yet and this was the perfect opportunity to introduce her new friends to a new tradition.

She skirted the room till she was close enough to reach him. She tapped him on the shoulder, the change in his posture alerting her that he knew she was near.  But he did not expect what happened next.

He turned at her touch, his eyes flashing when he saw her, his face breaking into a grin, barely restraining himself from grabbing her. But she had other ideas. 

She stepped into his arms, his hands naturally dragging her waist to him, holding her as she stood on tiptoe.  They had the crowd’s attention at this point, and before she could back out, she pulled his head down to hers and soundly kissed him.

Lyra and Dae were in on the secret and they were excited to see what the others thought.  They laughed and cheered as the group caught their enthusiasm, if not the reason behind it.

At the sound of the cheers Sky backed away, but Tae chased her mouth and stole one more kiss.
He was so adorably confused.

“I…. I am not complaining, but what in the hell are you doing? Are you ready to leave?” he asked.

She smiled at his concern, and her response did not immediately answer his question as she pointed to the ceiling. His eyes followed her finger to the sphere of greenery and berries hanging above his head.  Everyone’s attention was now fixed there.

Sky turned to the crowd, grateful for Tae’s warm hands anchoring her.

“It’s a kissing baugh.  We had them when I lived in England. Traditionally it was hung in a great hall and visitors embraced the hosts as a sign they brought peace and well wishes with them into the household.  Later, the tradition evolved into kissing under the Baugh or ball,” she explained.

She had not fully finished until Jin and Jk were pulling Dae and Lyra toward the spot, racing to get the next kiss.

Sky laughed as she stopped them.

“No, not like that.  You have to catch someone underneath, you can’t drag them there,” she explained.

She swore every man there began to plot how to lure his intended target to the center of the room.
Tae turned her in his arms and bent her over his arm in a tender kiss.

“Hey!” the protests started immediately.

“I caught her by surprise, standing underneath.  That's the goal, right?” he said smoothly.

Sky shook her head at him as the others argued and turned back to plotting.  This was going to be fun.

“You are amazing,” he whispered as they moved away to join the others.

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