chapter 52

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This moment was the first time he had ever really seen her out of the oversized hooded cloak she always hid in

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This moment was the first time he had ever really seen her out of the oversized hooded cloak she always hid in.

He had felt her body against his, brushed the generous swell of her hips and thighs that last time in the sun.  He had cupped her full breast in his hand, aching to tease it to attention, eager to taste her. 

But she still took his breath. 
She was barefooted, padding around, putting things away. 

She wore a pair of fitted black joggers that hugged her curves and displayed her bottom to distraction.  She had on a threadbare white tee featuring a classic British rock album cover.  It was soft and clung to her breasts.  It was short and rode up to give a glimpse of pale skin when she tried to reach the higher shelves.

But there was more than the way his body was responding to hers physically.

His heart raced with the familiarity of being with her.  He somehow knew her laugh, instinctively reached to help her when she could not reach the shelves.  In the small kitchen they worked around and with each other in a perfectly choreographed dance that neither even thought about. 

It was natural to them, as if a habit from years of loving and living together.

He shook his head.  In his life he had learned there were some gifts you simply embraced and did not question.  Sky was definitely such a gift.

Sky felt such an electric hum of energy when Taehyung was in the room.  She felt like a huge light had flooded the apartment as soon as he walked in.  She did not question it.  This was simply what was supposed to be.

They worked together to prep the food.  Neither thinking of what they were saying, nor remembering it after. 

Tae worked hard to show off his skills.  Sky basked in his attention, so thankful to have someone take care of her for a while.

When they were done, they put steaming plates on the table and Tae poured the wine and they had a feast.

They feasted not only on the wine and food, but on each other.  Watching each other without shame, deeply drinking from the conversation. It was silly and then turned deeply meaningful and they were captivated by both.

Conversation continued as they finished and cleaned up, side by side, the rhythm between them changing but never interrupted.

Finished, they naturally drifted down the hall to the bed room.
For the first time that night there was uncertainty between them. Then Tae spotted the big chair and nodded at it.

“I'll turn on the fire if you like,” he offered.

She smiled and went to retrieve the wine glasses left on the counter.  When she came back into the room it was lit by the glow of the small lamps and the fire.  Tae was stretched out in the chair, his feet on the ottoman. 

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