chapter 28

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Taehyung struggled to open his eyes, a vague memory nagging in the corner of his mind

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Taehyung struggled to open his eyes, a vague memory nagging in the corner of his mind. 

As he rolled over, he groaned.  His body hurt.  His hands searched for his blanket.  His back was aching and he was cold. 

Then one wrong move and his head exploded.  As he risked opening his eyes, the room slowly came into focus and so did last night.  He was sprawled on the floor of Jimin's penthouse apartment.  The rug was plush but the hardwood floor underneath him was unforgiving.  That explained the ache in his muscles. 

He turned just enough to see the low mahogany table centered in front of the couch.  The two empty bottles of wine and the aftertaste of Hobi's nuclear “fruit punch" explained his pounding head.

He was still trying to convince himself to breathe when he heard footsteps down the stairs. 

He looked up to see Jimin descending, straightening the cuffs on his starched shirt, pulling the exact perfect length to peep from the sleeve of the navy suit he was wearing. 

Tae's still adjusting eyes saw a halo around the man as looked up at him, his glowing face and beautiful smile doing nothing to refute the image. Tae knew better and said so.

“Why are you floating down here like a mortal when I know you are a demon in disguise?” he asked, his voice croaking.

Jimin laughed and stopped by the refrigerator at the bar before heading to him.  He handed him a bottle of water and hangover “medicine”.

“Says the man who drank me under the table last night! Drink this, shower, come back from the dead and get out.  I have to go to work!” he instructed.

“Easier said than done, “Tae complained as he killed the bottle of vile liquid.

“Nonsense!” Jimin said, gathering his phone and bag, “Thirty minutes ago I was drooling on the couch next to you! Now, just look at me!”  He gave an exaggerated spin that had Tae covering his face as his eyes tried to focus.

Jimin stopped, having pity on his friend, squatted in front of him and patted his shoulder.

“Seriously Tae, you'll feel better soon.  I promise.  I really do have to go,” he paused a moment causing Tae to look at him closely.

“We both needed last night.  We got to mourn what is impossible and hope for the future.  Now, no more excuses! Let's see what good we can find in this world Taehyung.  We deserve it!” With that he stood and headed out the door.

“Go ahead and shower.  There should be clothes here that will work for you.  The door will lock behind you.  Let’s do dinner later in the week.” With that he was gone and Tae faced the daunting task of becoming human again.

The herbal medicine having finally eased his headache, a quick shower and a rummage through Jimin's huge closet revived him. 

He stood smiling at the black silk blend baggy pants and shirt he found. The shirt had an open neck but was a bit small, hugging his chest and arms tightly.  One turn in the mirror and he shrugged at his reflection. 

The tags were still attached and it was a label Tae wore often.  He was confident it looked better on him anyway. He smiled as he strolled out of the door, willing to bet Jimin would never miss it.

He started into work but got a call from Dae that she would be working remotely today.  Hazy memories of the party surfaced and he took a guess that meant she and Jin were still in bed and apt to stay there.

He changed direction and headed to the cafe.  He wanted to see the upper floors in daylight.  He would get coffee, discuss the breakfast menu with Nev.  He was almost successful in lying to himself that he needed to work at the café today.

Almost, because everything he saw on the drive, the sunshine, the late autumn color beginning to peep in the trees, the slight nip in the breeze whispered this was a perfect day to spend with Sky. 

She would appear at the café today.  He was sure of it.

He arrived as Nev was opening the shop.  The older man shook his head and threw an apron in his direction.

“You say you want to learn the breakfast set? Get to work,” he said over his shoulder.

Tae was soon immersed in serving pastries and specialty coffee.  He fended off passes from college girls late for class and middle age women meeting friends for brunch. 

Nev told him his business instinct was good for the café, but his face brought in better tips.  Tae rolled his eyes at that, but continued to work hard.

He had a brief break after the brunch crowd thinned then they were slammed for lunch.  Tae was feeling every drink from last night and the hours of sleeping on Jimin's hardwood floor.

He sank into a chair with a huge exhale when Nev finally welcomed the young staff for the afternoon shift.

He approached the exhausted man and handed him a tray of lunch specials and a choice of drinks. 

“Eat.  Take a break.  You did well today,” Nev said, his appreciation sincere.

Tae slumped in the seat, realizing how hungry he actually was.  One of the young workers opened the courtyard doors to set up the patio and Tae was drawn outside.

He grabbed a small packing blanket from the storeroom, surprised at how soft the quilted fabric was.

Balancing the tray carefully, he made his way outside, drawn to the tree where he had spent time with Sky before.

Today the early afternoon was warm and the long branches swayed gently.  Quickly the staff finished and went back inside, leaving Tae alone in the sanctuary of the trees. 

He spread the blanket out and sank down cross legged, drawing deep breaths and relaxing.  He closed his eyes and let his mind clear. 

Minutes passed and he felt peace settle over him. 

He was slowly pulled out of his meditation by the awareness of someone approaching.

His heart began to speed up.  She was here. 

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