chapter 6

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The next few days passed with Sky thinking about going to the café. She was missing the time alone, the time to gather her thoughts and make her notes.

She did not admit to herself that she was also thinking of the beautiful man with the kind heart. She pushed those thoughts deep inside.

She looked down at the man sleeping restlessly on the mat. She had become buried in the mindless labor required to take care of him. She reminded herself of her promise, and set about making his meals and the dozens of other tasks that kept him comfortable. By the end of each day, she fell into exhausted sleep.

After a week she grew to believe the man was just a dream. She promised herself she would work hard and one unexpected afternoon she could find the time to go back to that place and dream him again.

Tae had gone immediately to see Nev the day after his meeting with YoonGi.
He used his skill to get as much information from the man as he could.

In the end he had discovered the owner was a gambler who badly needed to cover his debts. He would be reluctant to sell because he used the café for collateral on debt, and as an excuse to get away from his wife.

Tae had done some digging to find reasons to persuade the owner the sale was in his best interests. By the end of the day Tae held all his gambling debts.

It was frightening how easy he found it to navigate in that seedy underground. Not for the first time he gave thanks that he had found Dae when they were kids. He had a strange feeling he would have made a really effective mafia boss.

He pushed away those fanciful thoughts and confirmed the meeting with the owner and YoonGi.

He wasted no time in preparation for the meeting. He appeared at the café every day, always at a different time. He told himself he was gathering information before the sale about crowd flow and a number of other made up factors.

In reality he always sat in the corner at "his" table carefully watching the courtyard. He was on constant alert for a glimpse of a small figure in a dark cape. In the end he was forced to ask himself if he dreamed her.

The owner arrived for the meeting, belligerent and hung over, demanding to know why he had been contacted

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The owner arrived for the meeting, belligerent and hung over, demanding to know why he had been contacted. Tae sat back, his arms folded across his chest, dark and intimidating in his black suit.

YoonGi was brisk with the man, telling him that they had information he intended to sell and offering him a figure slightly above value.

The owner, perhaps sensing more money behind the designer suits and watches began to haggle.

"I want to see the entire structure," Taehyung demanded, causing the man to step away from him. He nodded and led them through the building.

To Tae's surprise it was very large. In addition to the café and courtyard Nev led them down a narrow hall way where the kitchens were.

"This passes inspection?" YoonGi asked, earning glares from the owner and Nev.

Continuing down the hall they came to a door. They opened it to find a small room that was covered with boxes.
Next to the room was a small freight elevator. Tae was surprised when all 4 of them were smoothly lifted to the second floor.

As soon as the elevator slowed Tae knew this room would be a mess, he could already smell it.

The room itself was huge with boxes stacked everywhere. The dust was thick and covered every surface. There was a filthy rug covering much of the floor. If Tae had to guess a color, he would have just conceded it was the color of mud. Lights huge haphazardly from the ceiling, flickering when Tae found the switch.

In the corner was a pile of mattresses and cheap, half burned candles scattered around.

"Great place to bring a date you know?" the man winked. Tae had his back to him so he missed the way the man paled when he drawled "Your wife must be fond of the place."

He ignored the angry sputtering as he walked deeper in the room. Dae would fall in love with this place immediately!

He shoved a stack of boxes with his foot and saw hardwood floors beneath. He had already noted the walls were exposed brick. Along one wall were huge boards which he was sure covered windows. He could see this room gleaming in the late afternoon sun.

Behind him he could hear YoonGi pointing out numerous flaws and the owner growing angrier and more desperate. Tae smiled. He trusted YoonGi to drive the price. It didn't matter the cost; this place was his.

A wide, industrial steel stair case caught his eye in the far corner of the room. Dae and Lyra would spend a fortune up here and they were the experts but in his mind he already saw a cozy seating area tucked behind that stair case.

He shoved boxes and furniture out of the way until he made his way to the staircase. He tested it and found it surprisingly solid.

"What's up here?" he asked, climbing to the large door, waiting for an answer.

"Another floor, perfect for storage," came the answer along with a muffled grunt from Nev.

He tested the steps,, confirming they were solid and a couple of hard pushes later and he spilled in the space at the top. It was even filthier than the last and he wheezed as the thick dust hit his lungs.

He found the light as the room settled, two bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling. This room was only half floored, the far end raw rafters with insulation. He could hear the scurry of small creatures in the dark corners of the room. They would have to go before Dae came up here!

But the huge windows were here too. The floors under the grime were hard wood and the walls the exposed brick.
He turned off the lights and backed down the stairs.

"You call this a room?" he asked, dusting off his suit.

He walked past all of them, back into his spot in the café. YoonGi would do the rest.

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