chapter 27

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“Sure,” she whispered, and quietly left him to his thoughts

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“Sure,” she whispered, and quietly left him to his thoughts.

He lay back on the bed, placing his hands behind his head and closing his eyes.

He rested for a moment, hearing the noise of his friends downstairs, listening to the low buzz of conversation, picking out Jin's laugh and NamJoon's voice as he complimented his sister on her work.

Soon he had tuned it all out and instead went back to imagining how he wanted things to be.  He quickly sighed in frustration. 

This was not one of his childhood fairy tales he had created to escape into.

Sky was real.  Her kiss was real.  The things he felt, the way she talked to him, the way she made him feel…all of that was real. 
He had long ago learned to trust his instinct, that voice inside him that guided him.  That voice had never been as strong as it was with her. 

The pull, the connection with her – that was real.

As he lay there thinking, the poem echoed in his mind again….”my soul in shambles….”

His thoughts were interrupted by a sound in the hall, followed by a dip in the bed next to him.  A soft sigh and the weight of a body stretched out next to him accompanied by the scent of leather and a sweet cologne. Jimin.

“What are we doing?” he asked quietly.

“Right now, or in general?” Tae responded, a smile playing on his lips.

“In general Tae.  What are we doing?  What’s next?” Jimin asked, sadness and frustration mingling in his husky voice.

“Are you drunk?” Tae asked, sneaking one eye open. 

He saw Jimin lying on the bed next to him, staring at the ceiling.  His hands were clasped across his trim waist.  He wore black jeans, a snug turtleneck, and a black leather jacket.  He looked like some fallen angel in the moonlight streaming through the window.

“Not nearly drunk enough,” came his rueful reply. “I keep thinking how perfect it would be to spend time here with someone.  I could do that, right?” he asked Taehyung.

Tae nodded at his friend.  It seemed they both were in a strange mood.

“Sure, you can!” he said, “but not one of your cheap dates.”

Jimin turned his head to look into the beautiful face of his friend.

“Aren’t they all cheap dates these days Tae?  No matter what I try, it all is…..wrong,” his friend whispered.

In the silence between them, the sounds of conversation and laughter loomed even louder.  The light, musical tones of the women mingled with the deeper voices of the men created melancholy music filling the room.

“We'll get our turn. Soon, right Tae?  There is love for us out there.  We deserve that too, don’t we?” Jimin asked, his eyes searching for confirmation.

Tae sat, pulling his friend to sit with him, slinging his arm around his waist.

“Yes, Jimin.  We DO deserve that. And there is someone out there right now waiting for us. And it will be AMAZING and we will be even MORE obnoxious that those asses out there once we find our one.” Tae promised.

As if to prove a point, they heard Jungkook's low baritone from down the hall, followed by Lyra's giggles.  The couple disappeared into the hall bathroom and they clearly heard him say. “I love you!! I thought I would never get you alone!”

“Hey!! “Tae shouted, “We are in here and we can hear you!”

“Hey! I don’t care!” Jungkook shouted back.  But Lyra's gasp and hurried steps down the hall made the two men laugh.

Jungkook's curse thrown their way as he hurried after her gave them perverse satisfaction.

“Much more obnoxious!” Jimin agreed as the two men stood. “And you are right.  I am too sober for this right now. Let’s get drunk.”

Tae nodded his agreement, but his thoughts were still on the woman he hoped was waiting for him. But instead of somewhere, he knew she was just a few blocks away.

Sky sat in the far corner of the small room, almost crazy from being confined in the small space so long

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Sky sat in the far corner of the small room, almost crazy from being confined in the small space so long.

Her companion slept.  He slept the majority of the time these days.  But then when he woke, he needed her there.  That made it impossible for her to leave. 

He had been awake for a few hours earlier and she spent that time answering his questions and doing the dozens of tasks he required.

It took him longer to fall asleep this night and she felt an unfamiliar resentment building in her.

When she was satisfied, he was actually asleep, she slumped against the wall and fought tears.

The moon was almost full tonight.  The draw had been almost irresistible to leave and slip away to the café.

He was there, she knew it. She felt it.

Although she tried to fight it, she felt anger and resentment building.  She usually could reason out her responsibilities and remember to be thankful for what she had.  Right now, all she could think was how much she was missing.

She wanted to be free.  She wanted to sit in the courtyard with him and draw him as he sat in the sun.

She wanted to listen to him talk about anything and everything.

Both his voice and what he had to say resonated deeply with her.
She wanted to ask him a thousand questions and watch his face as he puzzled out his answers.

Deep into the night she imagined how things would be different.

Before guilt could cripple her, she decided she had to see him again.  The construction was finished by now.  She had been using that as an excuse to stay away. 

But now, he would be hurt by her absence.  He would not understand if she stayed away. And she really, really could not find the willpower to stay away. 

She would go to him. 

Against all proof to the contrary, the voice of her heart convinced her that this would become her path.

Someway.  Someday.

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