chapter 21

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In the beginning, Tae had a lightness and glow about him that Dae had never seen before

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In the beginning, Tae had a lightness and glow about him that Dae had never seen before.  Her best friend was in love.  He often called the professor his “muse". 

He was only ever this happy when he was creating.

Then the students had their first independent panel review.  Taehyung was roundly praised for his work in progress.  The visiting lecturers spent a long time talking with him and encouraging him. 

In that studio that afternoon his gift and his potential were unmistakable.  He was walking on clouds as he worked on his painting with the mentors.  Dae was the only one who noticed Professor Oh storm out of the studio.

From then things began to take a turn.

Tae had been so engrossed with Caro that she and his work were inseparable in his mind.  His love and passion and desire flowed from his fingertips onto the canvas as he thought about her lips on his, her hands on his body, the shuddering passion she brought him.   She burned like a flame within him.

And then she began to cool. It was so gradual, he marked it her being weary when she asked him to leave after sex.  Then he blamed her busy schedule when she did not see him for days.
Then she became more overt. 

She rejected him, then aggressively took him to bed their next meeting.  She began to make cutting comments during class, only to catch him as he walked out the door, pressing against him, caressing him and saying she was just teasing.

The confusion and mental play left him exhausted. 

The light slowly leached from him as he stood before his unfinished canvas, feeling loss and confusion rather than fire and passion.

He worked day and night the final week, stopping only when Dae or Jimin stopped by with food or when he fell exhausted and slept in the studio. 

As his supervising professor, Dr. Oh stopped by once late in the week.  She walked in unannounced, Tae's heart leaping to see her in his studio.

She stood staring silently at his painting for several minutes before turning to him and without a word began to strip, then pulled his clothes from him until they were a breathless mess on the floor. 

She gave no chance for emotional connection, whispered no sweet words to his aching heart.  She quickly straddled him, taking him at her pace and on her terms, his confused response was solely a physical release.

When they finished, she stood and quickly dressed, ignoring his hurt and confusion as he fumbled with his clothes.

She stood one more moment before his work, his art, his heart, before giving it a dismissive sigh and walking out without a word.

Tae sat half naked on the floor, body sore and heart aching, wondering what in the hell had just happened.  He sat there till daybreak captive to the dark thoughts rattling around in his brain.

He rose with the sun and finished his work, all hope and ambition and joy drained away.  He signed his name in the corner feeling only relief that it was over. 

Now things could get back to how they were.  Caro would not be so busy.  She would no longer have to be so aloof once he was not her student.  They could openly date.  He even allowed himself to dream of her following him to Paris and then spending the summer making love and making art.

Those thoughts and the promise of a hot shower buoyed him as he dropped the painting by the student art gallery. 

He was busy doing a mental checklist of requirements for his final grade when he entered the gallery.  Sounds coming from the far end of the hall drew him that direction.  They must already be hanging the final pieces.

He stopped short as he saw the noises were not workers prepping the senior gallery. 

Instead he realized the sounds were crude grunts and moans.  He stood in shock; his canvas clutched to him as he struggled to comprehend what he was seeing.

There in the student art gallery, in the middle of campus, daylight streaming, he saw one of the other students in his class. 

He was a student who had not made it to the special exhibition, one with broad shoulders and mediocre artwork.  He stood there now with his shirt unbuttoned and his pants to his knees, his hands holding a woman’s head by her hair as he quickly thrust in her mouth, his grunts now echoing around the large room.

Tae tried to turn away, he wanted to run from there, but he could not.  He could not even close his eyes. 

He saw it all.

He saw the boy finish with a shouted curse followed by her name, saw her rise from her knees and grab and pull his hair as he struggled to catch his breath.

He saw as she kissed him hard, pressing into his body probably already hardening for her again.  He heard her draw a deep breath, tickling the boy’s ear as she started to praise him.

But Tae did not need to hear her to know the words she would say.  He knew the words, lived for them, heard them in fevered dreams. But he heard them anyway.

“Damn, you are so good.  What a good boy you are for me…..”

It went on and on.  He knew every syllable she would use to entice him.  He cursed at his body responding out of reflex.

Move….he had to move.

He turned away and fled, his canvas clambering to the ground, its noise amplified in the empty room.

The noise brought the couple’s immediate attention, the boy scrambling to cover himself, the woman frowning at the figure disappearing around the corner.

Her expression was impossible to read as she walked to the canvas and recognized the artist.  She left the gallery, leaving the stunned young man to gently set the work against the wall next to his own for framing.

Tae rang wildly from the building, holding the smallest hope that she was coming after him to explain, even for a second entertaining the thought he was mistaken.

Then he heard her again whispering “You taste so good… me Caro….”

It hurt to breath.  He arms and legs were pumping in long strides carrying him away from there, his lungs sucking in big gulps of air. 

Finally, he stopped.  Looking around he realized he was at Dae's apartment.  Of course.  There was no where else for him to go.

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