chapter 39

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And there he stayed for two days. He did not remember moving, though surely, he did.

At one point he was cold and he pulled one of Lyra's blankets over him. The warmth was enough to send him immediately back to sleep. It was nice there. He could pretend everything was ok when he was asleep.

He did not hear Nev's repeated attempts to get him to the door.

Dae's increasingly panicked calls to his phone were rejected.

He did not even stir when the door at the bottom of the stairs splintered and Jimin and Jungkook fell into the stairwell cursing him and each other.

The two men bounded up the steps two at a time calling his name, fear growing when they did not hear a deep rumbled "shut up" in reply.

Jimin was the first into the space and his eyes scanned the room. He cried out as he saw the trail of clothing on the floor, Tae's white designer shirt closest to him, soaked in blood.

Jimin looked back to see JK's face turn sheet white as he hurried to his side. He reached to pick up the shirt and found it stiff with the red stain. He frowned as Jimin exhaled.

"It's paint. He's been painting," Jimin said, following the line of clothing around the corner to the open space.

JK followed. That explanation seemed to make perfect sense to Jimin. He was going to need a lot more information before the last 72 hours made any sense to him.

They found Tae still sprawled on the couch on his back, one long leg bent at the knee and one dangling off. He had one arm thrown over his eyes to block the morning sun. The blanket rode low on his hips exposing his paint splattered chest.

Liquor bottles were scattered all around him and there was no sign of food.

JK let out a low whistle. "This is going to hurt," he said, imagining the pounding head Tae would have after mixing all that liquor.

Part of him wanted to jump on top of him and yell "Wake UP" as the beginning of payback for the worry of the last several hours.

Jimin, on the other hand, felt his stomach churn as he sank down next to his friend. He knew this Taehyung. He knew these were all bad signs and he knew how badly this could go wrong.

He had fought back from this once. What or Who had thrown his beautiful friend back into this darkness. Knowing these things, he tried the gentle approach.

"Taehyung.....wake up," he said gently shaking him.

No response.

He tried again, then again with no luck. He was beginning to get worried. His breathing seemed fine. His skin was normal to the touch. Why the hell was he not responding?


Jimin recoiled at the thundering bellow from JK.

The younger sent him a triumphant grin as Tae coiled into the fetal position. The grin was immediately replaced as Tae muttered "fuck off" from his blanket cocoon.

Before JK physically jumped Tae, Jimin grabbed the blanket and unceremoniously pulled it to dump Tae onto the floor.

What a glorious site was a rumpled and naked Taehyung sitting on the hardwood floor, trying to remember who and where he was.

As his eyes focused on the faces before him, he cursed again. Now he remembered, Sky was married and he was not nearly drunk enough to deal with that fact right now.

He tried to stand, but he was too shaky to do so.

"Bring me whiskey and get the hell out," he growled.

Jimin started toward him but it was JK who reached him first.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked Tae. By his blank expression it was obvious he had no idea what was happening.

"Why do you think we are here? You have been gone three days. No communication for 2. We were all worried. Dae was almost hysterical. Jin had to physically hold her back when she decided you might be here. He sent us because we all thought you were dead and we could not let her find you like that," JK finished, anger and fear and adrenaline making him shake. He refused to admit how scared he was when he saw that blood red shirt.

"You have seen I am not dead. Tell her I am fine and leave me to rot alone," he slurred.

Fury washed over Jimin at those words. He was furious that Tae had made Dae sick with worry, convinced he was somewhere dead. He was furious that Tae had returned to a place he promised Jimin he never would go again. He was furious at his dismissal of the way his friends worried, of his love.

JK watched stunned as Jimin reached for Tae and dragged the larger man to his feet.

"You WILL get up off your ass," he said as he held Tae steady. "You WILL call Dae this second," he said while dialing his phone, " and apologize and make this right."

"And, " he said as the phone rang, " you WILL NOT throw yourself away again!"

He shoved the phone into Tae's trembling hands as Dae answered.

All three of them swallowed hard as she answered and they heard her tears and pleas that someone tell her he was ok.

"Jin is going to KILL you," Jimin said.

"You better hope she saves you from Jin " JK said at the same time.

Tae sunk down on the couch and whispered to his best friend.

"Shh...shh....please don't cry.....I am ok....I promise," he soothed her.

He sat in exhaustion and listened to her fears and worry pouring out.

He loved her more than anyone or anything on this earth, but he simply could not find the energy to give what she needed right now.

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