chapter 16

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The noise of a delivery truck on the street beyond the gate broke the mood between them and reminded Tae why he was there

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The noise of a delivery truck on the street beyond the gate broke the mood between them and reminded Tae why he was there.

“I came to share news with you   I don’t want you to be anxious, or worry,” he said.

He saw immediately that she was both as she inhaled sharply and a frown creased her face.  He reached for her by instinct and she grabbed onto his large hand with both of hers, clinging tightly.

“The café has been sold,” she surprised him by saying.

“Yes, “Tae confirmed,” have you talked to Nev?”

She shook her head, turning her gaze to the windows on the second floor.

“No, he has stopped coming.  The man who was the owner.  He does not come anymore,” she stated.

“Yes, he is gone.  He took some things and left. How did you know?” he asked.

“He would come with women,” she whispered, “and he would leave a fire burning or a light on.  I worried he would destroy the place.  There has not been a fire for weeks.”

Tae grew concerned for her “Do you come here at night?  Do you stay here by yourself?” he asked, dozens of ways she could be harmed coming to mind.

“No, not anymore.  Not since….”

She stopped as she thought about the night the girls from the university had chased her home.  Or the last time she got caught out too late and one of the boys from the bar stumbled upon her. 

He was drunk and his hands were hard and his mouth aggressive as he pushed her into the alley and thrust his tongue in her mouth.  She froze and did not respond and he grew angry, pushing her away “You are nothing but a kid! A damn baby! You are no woman. Get out of here,” he spat as he shoved her away. 

She had stumbled home, crying at her escape, ashamed at the words he said.

“Not anymore,” she stated again. 

Firmer this time as she looked into the concerned face of the man next to her.  She could feel the strength and protection radiating from him.  She knew in that moment he would keep her safe. 

Her eyes fell from his eyes to his mouth.  She remembered his gasp of surprise and the feel of his soft lips under hers as she surprised him that first meeting.

She could not help thinking that she wanted him.  She needed him to correct all the mistakes and hard and hurting and grasping hands of the past.

He was talking, telling her about plans for the place, time tables and schedules but all she heard was that she would be safe.  All she could think was that his mouth, his kiss, his caresses were what she had been missing.

“I….we…..well….I bought the café,” he explained. 

He spent the next several minutes reassuring her of what would happen.  She was staring at him intently, but he had the strangest feeling that she was not listening to him at all.

In fact, he completely lost his train of thought as her eyes dropped to his lips and then fluttered back to his.  There was a dark hunger there that profoundly echoed what he feeling. 

He took a deep breath and tried to drag them back to the topic of the café.

She glanced away from him and he followed to see what now had her attention.

She was watching the couple he had noticed earlier. Either Tae and Sky were so well hidden in the branches of the willow they went unnoticed, or the couple were so absorbed in each other they did not care.

He lay with his head in her lap as she read to him, twisting her fingers in his hair.  As the sun sank lower the man felt his companion shiver and he quickly sat up and wrapped his arms around her drawing her into a heated kiss.

Sky looked away, feeling she was intruding in a private moment. 

As she turned away, she found Tae staring intently at her.

“I envy them, “she said.  At the quirk of his perfectly arched brow she continued.

“They are unaware of everything but each other, unafraid of any obstacle, happy just how things are this minute…..” she trailed off, thinking how wonderful that must be.

Tae was overwhelmed by the longing in her.  He deeply felt her loneliness.  He knew that feeling, he had been battling it for months now. 

When she turned her eyes back to his, he was lost.  In her he saw and felt the pieces of him sliding into alignment.  He felt the click of her fitting into him. 

When she leaned into him, he gave in completely and reached for her.  His lips met hers in a gentle, reverent kiss.

He felt her brace herself.  She seemed to be waiting for his touch to roughen.

He frowned at that, reaching his hand to caress her face, his long fingers tracing the shadows thrown by the willow branches dancing in the setting sun.

He pulled away from her then, drawing his breath and trying to compose himself.

She smiled at him and crawled into his arms, seeking both shelter and his touch. He moved without thought, lying back into the grass and pulling her to rest atop him, his body sheltering her from the cooling earth, her body warming him with every sigh, every touch.

He kissed her again, gently taking her lips in his, meeting and releasing until she pressed against him and opened her mouth to him. 

He held back, allowing her to lead, to explore, to experience.  Tae was lost.  He was certain It was the sweetest kiss he had ever had. 

Stay tuned for the rest

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Stay tuned for the rest.....I just can't leave them like this!!!

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