chapter 36

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“Tell me, anything you need

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“Tell me, anything you need.  It’s yours,” he promised.  The worry in the pit of his stomach growing deeper.

“Do you have your car?” she asked.  At his nod she was pulling him toward the door.

“Where?  Please….Please hurry….” She pleaded.

He took her hand and sprinted to his car, helping her inside and pulling off in the direction she was pointing.

Her hand and her voice shook as she directed him down the narrow streets of the neighborhood.  These were the same streets he had walked that Saturday.  He had been so close to her.

The twists and turns in the run-down area made it clear to see how she disappeared from him all those times.  In just minutes she asked him to stop and she was out moving down a tiny lane before he even came to a stop.

He hurried behind her, fear for her blooming at the dark alleys and grungy buildings she ran past.  She was not safe here, but obviously this was her home.

She abruptly ducked into a building and up a rickety set of stairs.  He was right behind her as she opened a door that had no lock or other form of protection for her.  His anger at her having to be in this place was almost overwhelming.

But he was still not prepared to step into the room after her. 

It was tiny, only 2 small areas.  It looked neatly kept but there were no furnishings there at all.  He quickly caught a glimpse of a few crates of books and one small shelf.  It appeared that was for food, but there were only 2 small boxes perched there.

Then all of those impressions fled as he watched her fall to her knees. 

There in the floor was a large sleeping pallet.  It took up most of the floor space in the room.  It was covered with thin blankets and Tae could see Sky pulling covers over someone there.  As he grew closer, he was shocked to see a man there, thin and sallow skinned, his breathing labored.  It was clear the man was in medical crisis.

He already had his phone out when Sky turned to him and sobbed.

“I…..I don’t know what to do, “she cried.

He squatted next to her, rubbing small circles between her shoulder blades as he called an ambulance.

“Sky,” he called, his voice deep and calming. She nodded, trying to pay attention to him.

“Take a deep breath and tell me the address,” he instructed.
She struggled, but she got the address to the dispatcher and he confirmed am ambulance was on the way.

Her hard-won composure crumbled as the man coughed and struggled to breath.  After he grew still again Tae turned her toward him. 

She was so fragile Tae thought she would shatter on his hands.  He was so glad she was not dealing with this alone. 
She needed a distraction until the medical team arrived.  His eyes swept the room.  It was bare, but surely there were things she would want to take to the hospital.
He stood, lifting her to stand with him.  Without being aware of it, she had fisted both hands in his shirt and was grasping him to her.

He gathered her close for just a moment and dropped a kiss in her hair.  He felt her allow herself a moment of small comfort.

Then he drew away from her.  They did not have much time.
He gently untangled her hands from his shirt and squeezed them tightly.

“I will stay with him.  Gather the things you will need for the hospital.  I will bring you back when you are ready, so just what you think for right now.” He instructed, hoping to keep her busy and calm during the wait.  It would seem like a lifetime before the ambulance arrived.

She nodded numbly and grabbed a small market bag.  Tae's heart hurt as she rummaged through their meager belongings.

He sat cross legged next to the man.  He was tall and big boned, or had been before his illness.  He was still handsome, even destroyed by illness.  His hair was still thick and full, threaded with strands of silver.

His hands were large and his fingers long and delicate.  Tae recognized the softness of those hands.  He did not labor with them, he had used them to create.

As he watched, the man began to mumble, calling a name Tae could not make out, using phrases in a language he could not quite place.
He tried to sooth the man, but he seemed to become more agitated. 

Sky hurried back and sank next to him, crooning words Tae did not hear and taking one of his large hands in her small ones.  The man's restlessness quickly eased and the frown lines on his face disappeared. 

It seemed to Tae that his breathing had become more irregular.  The two of them needed privacy for whatever happened next.

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