chapter 1

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Taehyung puffed out a bored sigh. 

With Kin SongDae gone for an extended “vacation" and the companies being restructured, he had been a bit adrift.
Before she left Dae had officially given him a 30 day paid sabbatical.

“Go! Have fun, get lost, get drunk, get laid!  Whatever you need to find your happiness. I want that for you!” Dae had whispered in his ear as she boarded her private jet with the love of her life, clearly deliriously happy after all this time.

Happy.  What the hell did that mean?  He had no idea and no idea how to find it.

He set out to do all the things Dae suggested with the dubious “help" of his friends. 

He got drunk with Yoongi in swank bars and in dark dives.

He went to dance clubs with Hobi and filled his phone with numbers would he never call.

He clubbed with Jimin and Jungkook and watched women literally trip over each other to be noticed.

He took women home, he flirted with a couple of cute guys but in the end, there was no real change in his life. 

Namjoon told him happiness was found within and gave him a list of books to read.

One Thursday afternoon found Tae wondering a street market, bored, missing SongDae and feeling anxiety brew deep within him. 

He frowned.  He had not felt that combination of fears sneaking up on him since school, not since Dae took his hand when they were 8 and told him he was safe.  She had clasped his hand tightly in hers and screamed at the bigger boys to leave him alone. 

Later she cried and would not let go of his hand, confessing she had been terrified, still was.  From that moment they had been inseparable, holding each other’s hands and fighting every terrible thing that came their way. 

Except now Dae was in love and had someone else to protect her. He suddenly felt all alone.

He stumbled upon a book store and he immediately thrilled at the opportunity to dig through the treasures there.
He entered the door and stepped into the bookstore.  It was much bigger than it looked and filled with hundreds of books, magazines, and music. 

He was happily lost for over an hour before he found the quiet corner of the bookstore where the collectable books were stored.  He searched patiently through every stack, knowing from experience what he sought was elusive and rare.

He patted the breast pocket of his jacket to make sure a copy was there.  Ever since Dae gave him the slim volume in Paris, he was rarely without a copy tucked away close to his heart.  Any flea market or book sale was an excuse to add to his collection.


There it was. 

He reached to the bottom of a small stack in the corner and withdrew a red, leather bound book.  Dust motes danced in the late afternoon sun, celebrating with him.

He eagerly opened the cover and smiled at the now familiar name flowing across the page.

He felt his heart speed up a bit as he opened the pages.  This volume was different, a bit larger than the one Dae had given him.  It seemed to be a special edition, the photographs larger, sharp and clear.  But just as he did every time, he found a copy he immediately turned to a page near the back.

The book had captivated him since he first saw it.  It was filled with poems and short stories, illustrated by photographs and watercolor drawings.
He discovered something new in the pages every time he read them, or poured over the images.

But the one tiny poem in the back spoke to his very soul.  The words were engraved on his dreams, but still he wanted, needed, to read it over and over.  It had become part of him.

When he found it, right in the precise spot it should be, he felt such a peace steal over him.  He read the words as if it was the first time, he had seen them.


My soul in shambles,

Bound by whispered “different"

When you say with gentle hands

“Your hidden calls to me"

My heart, with JOY, will know

The truth louder than every lie
He stood still as stone, letting the words flow over him, through him.  He did not know why they resonated with him like they did, nor did he care.  This author had opened his heart and peeped inside. He was shaken at how deeply the words moved him, every single time.

He always felt such a rush when he found a new copy for his collection.  He cradled the volume in his hands and practically bounced as he awaited his turn to checkout. 

The bleak boredom of the afternoon fled in his anticipation of finding a quiet corner in which to escape into his favorite place

The bleak boredom of the afternoon fled in his anticipation of finding a quiet corner in which to escape into his favorite place

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I promised to start the story today, and here we are!! I feel like I have been away forever!!

I hope you enjoy Tae's story and find it as delicate and nuanced as he is!!

Thank you always for your reads, votes and comments!! I can't thank you enough for your support💜💜💜💜💜💜

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